Currently Unavailable, Fri Jan 22, 9:00 am – [RESOLVED]

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below:

myPugetSound: Currently unavailable [RESOLVED]

Friday, January 22, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.

REASON FOR IMPACT: Customers have reported issues with logging into TS is actively working to remediate the issue. TS will confirm once issue is resolved.



·       For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements site.


For support questions please contact the TS Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585.


Currently Unavailable, Fri Jan 22, 9:00 am

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below:

myPugetSound: Currently unavailable

Friday, January 22, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.

REASON FOR IMPACT: Customers have reported issues with logging into TS is actively working to remediate the issue. TS will confirm once issue is resolved.



·       For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements site.


For support questions please contact the TS Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585.


{Phone} System Maintenance, Fri Jan 22 @ 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below.

Phone: System Maintenance

Friday, January 22 @ 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

REASON FOR IMPACT: Technology Services will be disabling unused software to prevent outages on our phone system.



·         Phones and voicemail will continue to operate normally during the maintenance window.

·         During the maintenance window there will be periods of time where the phone system will not be redundant.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

{PUGETSOUND SYSTEMS}: Patch Maintenance, Sun Jan 10, 6 a.m.-6 p.m. [COMPLETE]

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below:

Puget Sound Systems and Applications: Planned Maintenance

Sunday, January 10, 2021 from 6 a.m.-6 p.m. [COMPETE]

SYSTEMS IMPACTED: The following systems will be intermittently unavailable during the maintenance window:  

Campus file servers

Email and calendar


PeopleSoft Human Resources

PeopleSoft Financials

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions


Various Puget Sound systems and applications

REASON FOR IMPACT: To ensure a secure, reliable computing environment TS will be completing routine patch maintenance on our Puget Sound production servers.


·       The university network, internet access and wireless will NOT be affected.

·       Technology Services schedules regular maintenance windows, generally on the second Sunday of every month, to ensure a secure, reliable computing environment. Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work.

·        For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements site.

For support questions please contact the TS Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585.


{PUGETSOUND SYSTEMS}: Patch Maintenance, Sun Jan 10, 6 a.m.-6 p.m.

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below:

Puget Sound Systems and Applications: Planned Maintenance

Sunday, January 10, 2021 from 6 a.m.-6 p.m.

SYSTEMS IMPACTED: The following systems will be intermittently unavailable during the maintenance window:  

Campus file servers

Email and calendar


PeopleSoft Human Resources

PeopleSoft Financials

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions


Various Puget Sound systems and applications

REASON FOR IMPACT: To ensure a secure, reliable computing environment TS will be completing routine patch maintenance on our Puget Sound production servers.


·       The university network, internet access and wireless will NOT be affected.

·       Technology Services schedules regular maintenance windows, generally on the second Sunday of every month, to ensure a secure, reliable computing environment. Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work.

·        For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements site.

For support questions please contact the TS Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585.


{NETWORK} Planned Maintenance: Sat Jan 9, 6 a.m.-8 p.m.

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below.

NETWORK: Planned Maintenance

Saturday, January 9, 2021 from 6 a.m. – 8 p.m.

REASON FOR IMPACT: Technology Services is updating their Internet/Network infrastructure. People connecting to the campus network via on campus, vDesk, or VPN may experience intermittent connectivity loss throughout the maintenance window. All devices connecting to the campus network such as printers, phones, and computers will be impacted.

SYSTEMS IMPACTED: The following systems will be intermittently unavailable during the maintenance window:  

Campus file servers

Email and calendar


PeopleSoft Human Resources

PeopleSoft Financials

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions


Various Puget Sound systems and applications


·         People accessing the campus network will lose connectivity intermittently throughout the day.

·         People accessing Puget Sound systems and applications will lose connectivity intermittently throughout the day.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.


For support questions please contact the TS Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585.


Thank you,


Lindsay Morris  |  Sr. Technical Program Manager


Technology Services

1500 N. Warner St. #1068

Tacoma, WA 98416

O: 253.879.2854

M: 231.330.8502 


Exchange server reboot, Thur Dec 17, 10 a.m.-11 a.m.

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below:

Email: Exchange mailbox server reboot

Thursday, December 17, 2020 from 10 a.m.-11 a.m.

REASON FOR IMPACT: Some users are unable to send emails at this time. TS is going to reboot the server to resolve the issue. People may be disconnected briefly from email during this time.



·       During the maintenance window end users may be briefly disconnected from our email system as the servers are rebooted

·       For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements site.

For support questions please contact the TS Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585.


{NETWORK} Intermittent Network Outages: Thursday Dec 10 [Resolved]


NETWORK: Intermittent Network Outage

Thursday, December 10, 2020 [Resolved]


REASON FOR IMPACT: We are currently experiencing intermittent network outages on campus.




·        Update: We believe the issue was due to a device having issues.  We will continue to monitor throughout the day.

·        We are investigating the cause.  Currently all network services are working.

·        No further information at this time

·        For support questions please contact the TS Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585.


For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements site.

{NETWORK} Intermittent Network Outages: Thursday Dec 10

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below:


NETWORK: Intermittent Network Outage

Thursday, December 10, 2020


REASON FOR IMPACT: We are currently experiencing intermittent network outages on campus.



·        We are investigating the cause.  Currently all network services are working.

·        No further information at this time

·        For support questions please contact the TS Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585.


For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements site.

{Email} Certificate Renewal, Thu Dec 10 @ 6 a.m. – 7 a.m. [COMPLETE]

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below.

Email: Certificate Renewal [COMPLETE]

Thursday, December 10 @ 6 a.m. – 7 a.m.

REASON FOR IMPACT: Email system security certificates will be expiring soon and need to be replaced with new security certificates.



·         During the maintenance window end users may be briefly disconnected from our email system as the certificates are replaced.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

·         For support questions please contact the TS Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585.

{Phone} System Maintenance, Wed Dec 9 @ 4 p.m. – 5 p.m. [COMPLETE]

Phone system maintenance is now complete.

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below.

Phone: System Maintenance

Wednesday, December 9 @ 4 p.m. – 5 p.m. [COMPLETE]

REASON FOR IMPACT: Technology Services will be installing security patches to our phone system.



·         Phones and voicemail will continue to operate normally during the maintenance window.

·         During the maintenance window there will be periods of time where the phone system will not be redundant.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

{Email} Certificate Renewal, Thu Dec 10 @ 6 a.m. – 7 a.m.

Correction: the date was incorrect on the previous notice.


This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below.

Email: Certificate Renewal

Thursday, December 10 @ 6 a.m. – 7 a.m.

REASON FOR IMPACT: Email system security certificates will be expiring soon and need to be replaced with new security certificates.



·         During the maintenance window end users may be briefly disconnected from our email system as the certificates are replaced.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

{Email} Certificate Renewal, Thu Dec 9 @ 6 a.m. – 7 a.m.

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below.

Email: Certificate Renewal

Thursday, December 9 @ 6 a.m. – 7 a.m.

REASON FOR IMPACT: Email system security certificates will be expiring soon and need to be replaced with new security certificates.



·         During the maintenance window end users may be briefly disconnected from our email system as the certificates are replaced.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

{Phone} System Maintenance, Wed Dec 9 @ 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below.

Phone: System Maintenance

Wednesday, December 9 @ 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.

REASON FOR IMPACT: Technology Services will be installing security patches to our phone system.



·         Phones and voicemail will continue to operate normally during the maintenance window.

·         During the maintenance window there will be periods of time where the phone system will not be redundant.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

{Phone} System Maintenance, Tue Dec 8 @ 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. [COMPLETE]

Our patching for today has completed.  We will be scheduling some additional patches for installation tomorrow.


This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below.

Phone: System Maintenance

Tuesday, December 8 @ 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. [COMPLETE]

REASON FOR IMPACT: Technology Services will be installing security patches to our phone system.



·         Phones and voicemail will continue to operate normally during the maintenance window.

·         During the maintenance window there will be periods of time where the phone system will not be redundant.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.