{PUGETSOUND NETWORK}: Planned Firewall Maintenance – Tuesday 12/19/23 5:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) will be performing scheduled maintenance on our network security devices. No outage or interruption to services are expected. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:

Network Security Devices (Firewalls): Configuration Updates

Tuesday, December 19 | 5 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.


  • All campus network connectivity and hosted systems should remain available.

  • As we continue to transition the university to a more modern network, TS will be changing configurations on our network security devices (firewalls) in preparation for future work.

For more information on Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help:  https://www.pugetsound.edu/osd (Logon Required)

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{PUGETSOUND NETWORK}: Planned Firewall Maintenance, Tuesday, Oct 17, 6:00 a.m. – 6:30 a.m. [COMPLETE]

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) will be performing critical network maintenance Tuesday October 17, 2023 from 6:00 a.m. – 6:30 a.m. [COMPLETE] Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:


  • Inbound and outbound internet access 

  • GlobalProtect VPN 


  • To ensure a secure, reliable computing environment, TS will be completing routine firmware updates on our security appliances (firewalls).



  • Updates are required to address a high severity vulnerability. 

  • Impacted systems will be intermittently unavailable for short durations of time (~1-5 minutes) during the maintenance window.

For more information on Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help:  https://www.pugetsound.edu/osd (Logon Required)

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{PUGETSOUND NETWORK}: Planned Firewall Maintenance, Tuesday, Oct 17, 6:00 a.m. – 6:30 a.m.

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) will be performing critical network maintenance Tuesday October 17, 2023 from 6:00 a.m. – 6:30 a.m. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:


  • Inbound and outbound internet access 

  • GlobalProtect VPN 


  • To ensure a secure, reliable computing environment, TS will be completing routine firmware updates on our security appliances (firewalls).



  • Updates are required to address a high severity vulnerability. 

  • Impacted systems will be intermittently unavailable for short durations of time (~1-5 minutes) during the maintenance window.

For more information on Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help:  https://www.pugetsound.edu/osd (Logon Required)

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{PUGETSOUND NETWORK}: Planned Maintenance – June 15, 8:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. [COMPLETE]

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Technology Services (TS) has planned the following maintenance activities. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:

Puget Sound Network: Planned Maintenance

Thursday, June 15 @ 8:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. [COMPLETE]


  • 6/15/2023 at 9:30 p.m. – The scheduled network maintenance is now complete. Please report any issues to the Technology Service Desk.


Technology Services (TS) will be performing critical maintenance to our campus firewalls in order to improve the security of our network. A firewall is a network security device that controls network access and traffic flows. For continued network functionality, it is important to perform maintenance on this key infrastructure component and move its operation to supported hardware and software.


  • External access to systems hosted on campus, such as myPugetSound and network shares, will be unavailable. 

  • All other systems requiring network connectivity on the Puget Sound campus such as physical phones and printers will be unavailable.

  • GlobalProtect VPN will be unavailable. 

  • Inbound and outbound internet access (WiFi and Ethernet) will be unavailable during the maintenance window. 



  • Access to Canvas, email, Google Workspace, the university website (pugetsound.edu), and Zoom phone app will not be affected.

For more information on Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help:  https://www.pugetsound.edu/osd (Logon Required)

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{PUGETSOUND NETWORK}: Planned Maintenance – June 15, 8:30 p.m. – 11:30 p.m.

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) has planned the following maintenance activities. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:

Puget Sound Network: Planned Maintenance

Thursday, June 15 @ 8:30 p.m. – 11:30 p.m.


Technology Services (TS) will be performing critical maintenance to our campus firewalls in order to improve the security of our network. A firewall is a network security device that controls network access and traffic flows. For continued network functionality, it is important to perform maintenance on this key infrastructure component and move its operation to supported hardware and software.


  • External access to systems hosted on campus, such as myPugetSound and network shares, will be unavailable. 

  • All other systems requiring network connectivity on the Puget Sound campus such as physical phones and printers will be unavailable.

  • GlobalProtect VPN will be unavailable. 

  • Inbound and outbound internet access (WiFi and Ethernet) will be unavailable during the maintenance window. 



  • Access to Canvas, email, Google Workspace, the university website (pugetsound.edu), and Zoom phone app will not be affected.

For more information on Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help:  https://www.pugetsound.edu/osd (Logon Required)

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{PUGETSOUND NETWORK} Planned Firewall Maintenance – March 13 and 14, 5:30 a.m – 8:00 a.m. [COMPLETE]

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Technology Services (TS) will be performing critical network maintenance Monday March 13th, 2023 and Tuesday March 14th, 2023 from 5:30 a.m. – 8 a.m. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:


  • 3/14/2023 at 7:25 a.m. – The scheduled firewall maintenance is now complete. Note: If you connected to GlobalProtect VPN prior to 7:02 a.m., you may need to reconnect to vpn.pugetsound.edu.


  • Inbound and outbound internet access will be intermittently unavailable for short periods of time (~2-5 minutes) during the maintenance window

  • GlobalProtect VPN will be intermittently unavailable


  • To ensure a secure, reliable computing environment TS will be completing routine firmware updates on our security appliances (firewalls).



  • Multiple firmware updates are required. 

  • Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work.

  • For more information on Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk at (253) 879-8585.

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help:  https://www.pugetsound.edu/osd (Logon Required)

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{PUGETSOUND NETWORK} Planned Firewall Maintenance – March 13 and 14, 5:30 a.m – 8:00 a.m. [UPDATE]

University of Puget Sound

Technology Services

Technology Services (TS) will be performing critical network maintenance Monday March 13th, 2023 and Tuesday March 14th, 2023 from 5:30 a.m. – 8 a.m. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:


  • 3/13/2023 at 7:51am: The maintenance window for Monday, March 13 has concluded. Thank you for your patience. Note: If you connected to GlobalProtect VPN prior to the conclusion of today's maintenance, you may need to reconnect to vpn.pugetsound.edu.
  • The maintenance window for Tuesday, March 14 can be expected to conclude by 7:30am.


  • Inbound and outbound internet access will be intermittently unavailable for short periods of time (~2-5 minutes) during the maintenance window

  • GlobalProtect VPN will be intermittently unavailable


  • To ensure a secure, reliable computing environment TS will be completing routine firmware updates on our security appliances (firewalls).



  • Multiple firmware updates are required. 

  • Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work.

  • For more information on Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk at (253) 879-8585.

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help:  https://www.pugetsound.edu/osd (Logon Required)

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{PUGETSOUND NETWORK} Planned Firewall Maintenance – March 13 and 14, 5:30 a.m – 8:00 a.m.

University of Puget Sound

Technology Services

Technology Services (TS) will be performing critical network maintenance Monday March 13th, 2023 and Tuesday March 14th, 2023 from 5:30 a.m. – 8 a.m. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:


  • Inbound and outbound internet access will be intermittently unavailable for short periods of time (~2-5 minutes) during the maintenance window

  • GlobalProtect VPN will be intermittently unavailable


  • To ensure a secure, reliable computing environment TS will be completing routine firmware updates on our security appliances (firewalls).



  • Multiple firmware updates are required. 

  • Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work.

  • For more information on Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk at (253) 879-8585.

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help:  https://www.pugetsound.edu/osd (Logon Required)

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{PUGETSOUND SYSTEMS}: Unplanned Interruptions, Friday Jan 14, 10 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. [RESOLVED]

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below:


Update [1/14/2022 1:39 p.m.]: This incident is resolved. An issue with a configuration change in the firewall was rolled back. If you continue to experience issues, please contact the Technology Service Desk at 253-879-8585 (option 2).


Puget Sound Systems and Applications: Unplanned Interruptions

Friday, January 14, 2022 from 10 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. [RESOLVED]

SYSTEMS IMPACTED: We are experiencing unplanned issues with the following systems:  

Email to external addresses

Login to Puget Sound Systems



Various Puget Sound systems and applications


REASON FOR IMPACT: Investigating network issues impacting services.



·      Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve these issues.

·      For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements site.

For support questions please contact the TS Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585.


{PUGETSOUND SYSTEMS}: Unplanned Interruptions, Friday Jan 14, 10 a.m. – ongoing

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below:

Puget Sound Systems and Applications: Unplanned Interruptions

Friday, January 14, 2022 from 10 a.m.-ongoing

SYSTEMS IMPACTED: We are experiencing unplanned issues with the following systems:  

Email to external addresses

Login to Puget Sound Systems



Various Puget Sound systems and applications


REASON FOR IMPACT: Investigating network issues impacting services.



·      Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve these issues.

·      For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements site.

For support questions please contact the TS Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585.


{Puget Sound Login}: Unplanned Partial Outage – Wednesday, November 17 @ 2:30 p.m. – 4:37 p.m. [RESOLVED]

Puget Sound Login: Unplanned Partial Outage

Wednesday November 17, 2021 @ 2:30 p.m. –  4:37 p.m. [RESOLVED]

SYSTEMS IMPACTED: Third-party systems with authentication configured via InCommon are impacted. After logging in, an “Authentication Error” message appears. The following systems (incomplete list) are known to be affected:

·       GET

·       OCLC

·       Primo

·       Tao


REASON FOR IMPACT: A change 10 days ago from a service provider unexpectedly caused issues which resulted in failures updating metadata necessary to complete the login process between various systems.


If you have additional questions, please contact the Technology Service Desk at 253-879-8585. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.


{Puget Sound Login}: Unplanned Partial Outage – Wednesday, November 17 @ 2:30 p.m. – current

Puget Sound Login: Unplanned Partial Outage

Wednesday November 17, 2021 @ 2:30 p.m. – current

SYSTEMS IMPACTED: Third-party systems with authentication configured via InCommon are impacted. After logging in, an “Authentication Error” message appears. The following systems (incomplete list) are known to be affected:

·       GET

·       OCLC

·       Primo

·       Tao


REASON FOR IMPACT: Under investigation.


Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve the issue. For support questions please contact the Technology Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.


{Puget Sound Accounts}: Unplanned Interruptions – Wednesday, April 7-8 [RESOLVED]

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below:

Update [4/9/21 9:35 a.m.]: This incident is resolved. After thorough investigation, Technology Services has determined that no unauthorized access was detected during the course of this incident. As a reminder, please make sure that you utilize strong passphrases and that your Puget Sound password is different than what you may use for social media sites or other online accounts as it is one of the most effective ways to ensure the safety of your own account. We appreciate your patience as we worked to mitigate the situation. Please know that Technology Services will continue exploring and pursuing ways to better detect and prevent these incidents from causing disruption to campus members in the future. Thank you.

Puget Sound Accounts: Unplanned Interruptions

Wednesday April 7-8, 2021

SYSTEMS IMPACTED: Certain Puget Sound accounts are being locked. This is caused by multiple unsuccessful login attempts to specific usernames from any source. Due to the account lock, users may be unable to access various Puget Sound systems during the lockout period.


REASON FOR IMPACT: There may be external non-campus members attempting to log on to campus accounts with incorrect passwords. As indicated by the account locks, the attempts have largely been unsuccessful. Technology Services is monitoring the situation and taking appropriate steps to thwart further attempts that may cause disruption to Puget Sound accounts.


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If you are having trouble logging in to your account with your current password, you may be affected by this incident. The recommended course of action is to either wait for your account to automatically unlock or call the Service Desk at 253-879-8585 (option 2) to immediately unlock your account. Call volume may be higher than normal at this time. Please note that changing your password will not resolve the issue.


For support questions please contact the TS Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.


{Puget Sound Accounts}: Unplanned Interruptions – Wednesday, April 7 @ 11 a.m. – current

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below:

Puget Sound Accounts: Unplanned Interruptions

Wednesday April 7, 2021 @ 11 a.m. – current

SYSTEMS IMPACTED: Certain Puget Sound accounts are being locked. This is caused by multiple unsuccessful login attempts to specific usernames from any source. Due to the account lock, users may be unable to access various Puget Sound systems during the lockout period.


REASON FOR IMPACT: There may be external non-campus members attempting to log on to campus accounts with incorrect passwords. As indicated by the account locks, the attempts have largely been unsuccessful. Technology Services is monitoring the situation and taking appropriate steps to thwart further attempts that may cause disruption to Puget Sound accounts.


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If you are having trouble logging in to your account with your current password, you may be affected by this incident. The recommended course of action is to either wait for your account to automatically unlock or call the Service Desk at 253-879-8585 (option 2) to immediately unlock your account. Call volume may be higher than normal at this time. Please note that changing your password will not resolve the issue.


For support questions please contact the TS Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.