{TRIMBLE NETWORK}: Planned Maintenance, Tue, Oct 29, 6:00 a.m. – 6:30 a.m.

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) has planned the following maintenance activities. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:

Trimble Hall Network: Planned Maintenance

Tuesday, October 29 | 6:00 a.m. – 6:30 a.m.


  • Trimble Hall Network


  • Technology Services will be restarting network equipment in Trimble Hall to correct a memory issue.



  • During the maintenance window, all wired and Wi-Fi network connections in Trimble Hall will go offline for approximately 15 minutes.

To learn more about Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help: support.pugetsound.edu 

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{KACE TICKETING}: Planned Maintenance, Tue, Oct 22, 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. [RESCHEDULED]

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) has planned the following maintenance activities. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:

KACE Ticketing System: Planned Maintenance [RESCHEDULED]

Tuesday, October 22 | 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 



  • To ensure a secure, reliable environment, Technology Services will be installing updates to the KACE Ticketing System.



  • The ability to create, view, update, and manage tickets will be unavailable during the maintenance window.

To learn more about Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help: support.pugetsound.edu 

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{KACE TICKETING}: Planned Maintenance, Tue, Oct 22, 7 a.m. – 8 a.m.

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) has planned the following maintenance activities. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:

KACE Ticketing System: Planned Maintenance

Tuesday, October 22 | 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.



  • To ensure a secure, reliable environment, Technology Services will be installing updates to the KACE Ticketing System.



  • The ability to create, view, update, and manage tickets will be unavailable during the maintenance window.

To learn more about Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help: support.pugetsound.edu 

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{WYATT, CICE, LANGLOW, GREEK ROW, SOME WEST & EAST CAMPUS HOUSES NETWORK}: Planned Maintenance, Mon, Oct 21, various times between 6:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) has planned the following maintenance activities. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:

Wyatt, CICE, Langlow, Greek Row, Some West Campus Houses, Some East Campus Houses Network: Planned Maintenance

  • Wyatt Hall, Oct 21 | 6:30 a.m. – 7:30 a.m.

  • CICE, Langlow & Houses South of N 14th and along/East of N Lawrence, Oct 21 | 10:00 a.m. – noon

  • 3206 N 15th St, Oct 21 | noon – 1 p.m.

  • Greek Row Fraternities, five houses near them on N Washington, and two residences to the South on Union Ave, Oct 21  | 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.


  • Wyatt Hall Network (WiFi, Phones, Ethernet)

  • CICE, Langlow & Houses South of N 14th and along/East of N Lawrence networks (WiFi, Phones, Ethernet)

  • 3206 N 15th St (WiFi, Phones, Ethernet)

  • Greek Row Fraternities, five houses near them on N Washington, and two residences to the South on Union Ave networks (WiFi, Phones, Ethernet)


  • Technology Services will be upgrading firmware on network switches



  • During the maintenance window, expect full network outages for wired and Wi-Fi devices in the locations listed above

  • Card swipe access to the buildings have a local cache and will continue to function

  • Security Services will remain reachable at 253-879-3311

To learn more about Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help: support.pugetsound.edu 

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{ANDERSON-LANGDON NETWORK}: Planned Maintenance, Tue, Oct 22, 8 a.m. – noon

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) has planned the following maintenance activities. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:

Anderson-Langdon Network: Planned Maintenance

Tuesday, October 22 | 8:00 a.m. – noon


  • Anderson-Langdon network


  • Technology Services will be replacing the network switches that provide networking services in Anderson-Langdon with new equipment



  • Wired and Wi-Fi networking will be unavailable in Anderson-Langdon during the maintenance window

  • Wi-Fi hotspots will be provided in some common areas during the maintenance window

  • Card swipe access to the buildings have a local cache and will continue to function

  • Security Services will remain reachable at 253-879-3311 during this time

To learn more about Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help: support.pugetsound.edu 

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{CAMPUS WI-FI NETWORK}: Planned Maintenance, Monday, Oct 21, 6:30 a.m. – 7:15 a.m.

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) has planned the following maintenance activities. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:

Campus Wi-Fi Network: Planned Maintenance

Monday, Oct 21 | 6:30 a.m. – 7:15 a.m.


  • All campus Wi-Fi, excluding Regester Hall


  • Technology Services will be installing firmware updates on the campus Wi-Fi system



  • Wi-Fi network services will be intermittently unavailable during the maintenance window

  • Wired network services will be unaffected by the maintenance

  • Security Services will remain reachable at 253-879-3311

To learn more about Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help: support.pugetsound.edu 

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{ANDERSON-LANGDON NETWORK}: Planned Maintenance, Fri, Oct 18, 7:30 a.m. – 8 a.m.

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) has planned the following maintenance activities. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:

Anderson-Langdon Network: Planned Maintenance

Friday, October 18 | 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.


  • Anderson-Langdon Network


  • Technology Services will be restarting all the network equipment in Anderson-Langdon to correct a memory issue



  • During the maintenance window, all wired and Wi-Fi network connections in Anderson-Langdon will go offline for approximately 15 minutes

To learn more about Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help: support.pugetsound.edu 

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{PUGETSOUND SYSTEMS}: Patch Maintenance, Sun October 13, 6 a.m.-6 p.m. [COMPLETE]

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) has planned the following maintenance activities. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:

Puget Sound Systems and Applications: Planned Maintenance

Sunday, October 13 @ 6 a.m. – 6 p.m. [COMPLETE]


  • Campus file servers

  • myPugetSound.edu

  • PeopleSoft Human Resources

  • PeopleSoft Financials

  • PeopleSoft Campus Solutions

  • vDesk

  • Various Puget Sound systems and applications


  • To ensure a secure, reliable computing environment, TS will be completing routine patch maintenance on our Puget Sound production servers.



  • The university network, internet access, and wireless will NOT be affected.

  • Technology Services schedules regular maintenance windows, generally on the second Sunday of every other month, to ensure a secure, reliable computing environment.

For more information on Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help: support.pugetsound.edu 

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{PUGETSOUND SYSTEMS}: Patch Maintenance, Sun October 13, 6 a.m.-6 p.m.

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) has planned the following maintenance activities. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:

Puget Sound Systems and Applications: Planned Maintenance

Sunday, October 13 @ 6 a.m. – 6 p.m.


  • Campus file servers

  • myPugetSound.edu

  • PeopleSoft Human Resources

  • PeopleSoft Financials

  • PeopleSoft Campus Solutions

  • vDesk

  • Various Puget Sound systems and applications


  • To ensure a secure, reliable computing environment, TS will be completing routine patch maintenance on our Puget Sound production servers.



  • The university network, internet access, and wireless will NOT be affected.

  • Technology Services schedules regular maintenance windows, generally on the second Sunday of every other month, to ensure a secure, reliable computing environment.

For more information on Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help: support.pugetsound.edu 

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{REGESTER WIFI}: Planned Maintenance, Mon, Sep 23, 10 a.m. – noon

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) has planned the following maintenance activities. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:

Regester Wi-Fi: Planned Maintenance

Monday, September 23 | 10:00 a.m. – noon


  • Regester Wi-Fi


  • Technology Services will be fully replacing the Wi-Fi system on all floors of Regester Hall.



  • Wi-Fi will be intermittently unavailable in Regester during the maintenance window.

  • Wi-Fi hotspots will be provided in the 1st and 3rd floor lounges during and after the maintenance window.

To learn more about Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help: support.pugetsound.edu 

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{ZOOM}: Planned Changes, Tuesday August 27, 7:30 a.m. – 8 a.m. [COMPLETE]

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) has planned the following maintenance activities. No outage or interruption to services is expected. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:

Zoom: Change to Login Process

Tuesday, August 27 | 7:30 a.m. – 8 a.m. [COMPLETE]


  • To log in to Zoom in a browser, sign in to login.pugetsound.edu and click on the “Zoom” tile. 
  • To log in to Zoom on the Zoom desktop or mobile app, click the “SSO” button and enter “pugetsound-edu” as the company domain. Alternately, click “I don't know the company domain” then enter your email address and click “Continue.” You will be redirected to login.pugetsound.edu to sign in.


  • TS will be requiring single sign-on (SSO) to log in to Zoom, with the exception of certain accounts.


  • Requiring SSO will improve the security of Zoom accounts by leveraging our existing authentication processes and providing multi-factor authentication.

  • The change will simplify the login process by automatically redirecting campus members to log in to Zoom via login.pugetsound.edu



  • No outage or interruption to any Zoom services is expected.

  • If you have a personal Zoom account using your university email address, you will be prompted to join the university’s Zoom account or change email address. If you are a current academic partner, administrative partner, faculty, staff, or student; select the option to join the account. If you are not currently affiliated with the university or are not eligible for a university Zoom account, please change the email address for your personal Zoom account to a non-university email address. 

  • If you have a common area phone account using a shared email address that you must log in to with a Zoom-specific password and are unable to do so after the change, please submit a ticket with the email address of the account and a brief explanation. 

For more information on Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help: support.pugetsound.edu 

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{ZOOM}: Planned Changes, Tuesday August 27, 7:30 a.m. – 8 a.m.

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) has planned the following maintenance activities. No outage or interruption to services is expected. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:

Zoom: Change to Login Process

Tuesday, August 27 | 7:30 a.m. – 8 a.m.


  • TS will be requiring single sign-on (SSO) to log in to Zoom, with the exception of certain accounts.


  • Requiring SSO will improve the security of Zoom accounts by leveraging our existing authentication processes and providing multi-factor authentication.

  • The change will simplify the login process by automatically redirecting campus members to log in to Zoom via login.pugetsound.edu



  • No outage or interruption to any Zoom services is expected.

  • If you have a personal Zoom account using your university email address, you will be prompted to join the university’s Zoom account or change email address. If you are a current academic partner, administrative partner, faculty, staff, or student; select the option to join the account. If you are not currently affiliated with the university or are not eligible for a university Zoom account, please change the email address for your personal Zoom account to a non-university email address. 

  • If you have a common area phone account using a shared email address that you must log in to with a Zoom-specific password and are unable to do so after the change, please submit a ticket with the email address of the account and a brief explanation. 

For more information on Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help: support.pugetsound.edu 

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{GUEST WIRELESS NETWORK}: Planned Maintenance, Thursday August 22, 6:30 a.m. – 7:40 a.m. [COMPLETE]

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) has planned the following maintenance activities. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:

Guest WiFi: Planned Maintenance

Thursday, August 22 | 6:30 a.m. – 7:40 a.m. [COMPLETE]


  • Thank you for your patience as the maintenance window took longer than expected due to some unexpected issues which are now resolved. 


  • PS-GuestAccess wireless network


  • To ensure a secure, reliable computing environment, TS will be making routing changes to the PS-GuestAccess wireless network.



  • During the maintenance window, internet access on the PS-GuestAccess WiFi will be intermittently unavailable. 

  • The university wired network, PS-CampusAccess WiFi, and blue emergency towers should not be affected. 

  • If you experience connectivity issues on the PS-GuestAccess wireless network after the maintenance window is complete, please submit a ticket

For more information on Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help: support.pugetsound.edu 

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{GUEST WIRELESS NETWORK}: Planned Maintenance, Thursday August 22, 6:30 a.m. – 7 a.m.

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) has planned the following maintenance activities. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:

Guest WiFi: Planned Maintenance

Thursday, August 22 | 6:30 a.m. – 7 a.m.


  • PS-GuestAccess wireless network


  • To ensure a secure, reliable computing environment, TS will be making routing changes to the PS-GuestAccess wireless network.



  • During the maintenance window, internet access on the PS-GuestAccess WiFi will be intermittently unavailable. 

  • The university wired network, PS-CampusAccess WiFi, and blue emergency towers should not be affected. 

  • If you experience connectivity issues on the PS-GuestAccess wireless network after the maintenance window is complete, please submit a ticket

For more information on Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help: support.pugetsound.edu 

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu

{PUGETSOUND SYSTEMS}: Patch Maintenance, Sun August 11, 6 a.m.-6 p.m [COMPLETE]

This logo identifies the Technology Services department within the University of Puget Sound

Dear members of the Puget Sound community,

Technology Services (TS) has planned the following maintenance activities. Details on the maintenance being performed are available below:

Puget Sound Systems and Applications: Planned Maintenance

Sunday, August 11 @ 6 a.m. – 6 p.m. [COMPLETE]


  • Campus file servers

  • myPugetSound.edu

  • PeopleSoft Human Resources

  • PeopleSoft Financials

  • PeopleSoft Campus Solutions

  • vDesk

  • Various Puget Sound systems and applications


  • To ensure a secure, reliable computing environment, TS will be completing routine patch maintenance on our Puget Sound production servers.



  • The university network, internet access, and wireless will NOT be affected.

  • Technology Services schedules regular maintenance windows, generally on the second Sunday of every other month, to ensure a secure, reliable computing environment.

For more information on Technology Services' Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the TS Service Desk. 

TS Service Desk

Walk-In Support: Tech Center in Collins Library

Phone Support: (253) 879-8585

Online Help: support.pugetsound.edu 

Email Support: servicedesk@pugetsound.edu