{Printing} Planned Maintenance, Wed Jul 14, 6 am – 8 am

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below.

Printing: Planned Maintenance

Wednesday, July 14, 2021 from 6 am – 8 am

REASON FOR IMPACT: A critical patch is required on our print servers to ensure system security.



·         Printing will be intermittently unavailable during the maintenance window.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

[Tscommunications] {Network} Firewall Firmware Maintenance – Sun July 11th, 6am-7am [COMPLETED

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below.

NETWORK : Firewall Firmware Maintenance

July 11th, 2021 6am – 7am [COMPLETED]


To ensure a secure, reliable computing environment TS will be completing routine updates on our security appliances (Firewalls).


·         Firewall firmware has now been upgraded.

·         Global Protect VPN client was also upgraded to address some bugs and to be on the latest recommended release.

·         This was previously scheduled for July 4th

·         Both firewalls require a firmware update.

·         Internet services and external access will be intermittent for short periods of time (less than 1-2 minutes) during the maintenance window.

·         External services such as VPN (Global Protect), vDesk access, university websites and resources will also be intermittent for short periods.

·         Internal services such as phones, the data network and access to university resources will not be affected on campus

·         Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements site.


For support questions please contact the TS Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585.


[Tscommunications] {Network} Firewall Firmware Maintenance – Sun July 11th, 6am-7am

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below.

NETWORK : Firewall Firmware Maintenance

July 11th, 2021 6am – 7am


To ensure a secure, reliable computing environment TS will be completing routine updates on our security appliances (Firewalls).


·         This was previously scheduled for July 4th

·         Both firewalls require a firmware update.

·         Internet services and external access will be intermittent for short periods of time (less than 1-2 minutes) during the maintenance window.

·         External services such as VPN (Global Protect), vDesk access, university websites and resources will also be intermittent for short periods.

·         Internal services such as phones, the data network and access to university resources will not be affected on campus

·         Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements site.


For support questions please contact the TS Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585.


[Tscommunications] {Network} Firewall Firmware Maintenance – Sun July 4th, 6am-7am

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below.

NETWORK : Firewall Firmware Maintenance

July 4, 2021 6am – 7am


To ensure a secure, reliable computing environment TS will be completing routine updates on our security appliances (Firewalls).


·         Both firewalls require a firmware update.

·         Internet services and external access will be intermittent for short periods of time (less than 1-2 minutes) during the maintenance window.

·         External services such as VPN (Global Protect), vDesk access, university websites and resources will also be intermittent for short periods.

·         Internal services such as phones, the data network and access to university resources will not be affected on campus

·         Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements site.


For support questions please contact the TS Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585.


{pugetsound.edu website} Planned Maintenance, Fri Jun 25, 8 pm – 10 pm [COMPLETE]

​This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below.

Pugetsound.edu Website: Planned Maintenance

Friday, June 25, 2021 from 8 pm – 10 pm [COMPLETE]

REASON FOR IMPACT: Configuration changes will be made to reduce the number of errors on the site and to change the default search behavior.



·         The pugetsound.edu website will be intermittently unavailable during the maintenance window.  Downtime is expected to last approximately 5-15 minutes.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

{pugetsound.edu website} Planned Maintenance, Fri Jun 25, 8 pm – 10 pm

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below.

Pugetsound.edu Website: Planned Maintenance

Friday, June 25, 2021 from 8 pm – 10 pm

REASON FOR IMPACT: Configuration changes will be made to reduce the number of errors on the site and to change the default search behavior.



·         The pugetsound.edu website will be intermittently unavailable during the maintenance window.  Downtime is expected to last approximately 5-15 minutes.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

{pugetsound.edu website} Planned Maintenance, Sat Jun 19, 8 pm – 10 pm [COMPLETE]

​This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below.

Pugetsound.edu Website: Planned Maintenance

Saturday, June 19, 2021 from 8 pm – 10 pm [COMPLETE]

REASON FOR IMPACT: Website code updates and installation of database caching.



·         The Pugetsound.edu website will be intermittently unavailable during the maintenance window. Downtime is expected to last approximately 15-30 minutes.

·         The site code base will be updated to fix some broken pages.

·         Database caching will be installed to improve site performance.

·         Fixes for search will be implemented in the coming week.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

{pugetsound.edu website} Planned Maintenance, Sat Jun 19, 8 pm – 10 pm

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below.

Pugetsound.edu Website: Planned Maintenance

Saturday, June 19, 2021 from 8 pm – 10 pm

REASON FOR IMPACT: Website code updates and installation of database caching.



·         The Pugetsound.edu website will be intermittently unavailable during the maintenance window. Downtime is expected to last approximately 15-30 minutes.

·         The site code base will be updated to fix some broken pages.

·         Database caching will be installed to improve site performance.

·         Fixes for search will be implemented in the coming week.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

{PUGETSOUND SYSTEMS}: Planned Maintenance, Mon Jun 7, 5 p.m.-8 p.m. – Complete

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below:

Puget Sound Systems and Applications: Planned Maintenance [COMPLETE]

Monday, June 7, 2021 from 5 p.m.-8 p.m.

REASON FOR IMPACT: In preparation for the upcoming login changes, work needs to be performed to transition authentication to the new system. Multi-factor authentication will be required beginning June 8th at 6 a.m. and the new Okta dashboard will be available at https://login.pugetsound.edu.

If you experience issues this morning, please try clearing your browser cache (https://www.pugetsound.edu/about/offices-services/technology-services/help-support/self-help/clearing-browser-cache/)


SYSTEMS IMPACTED: The following systems will be intermittently unavailable during the maintenance window:  

·         Canvas

·         Google Workspace

·         KACE ticketing system

·         myPugetSound

·         PeopleSoft Human Resources

·         PeopleSoft Financials

·         PeopleSoft Campus Solutions

·         VPN

·         Zoom

·         Various Puget Sound systems and applications


·         The university network, internet access, and wireless will NOT be affected.

·         Email and calendar, vDesk, campus file servers, telephones, and pugetsound.edu will NOT be affected.

·         Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work.

·         For more information about Okta, single sign-on, or multi-factor authentication, please see https://www.pugetsound.edu/about/offices-services/technology-services/okta.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements site.

For support questions please contact the Technology Service Desk at 253-879-8585 or servicedesk@pugetsound.edu.

{PUGETSOUND SYSTEMS}: Planned Maintenance, Mon Jun 7, 5 p.m.-8 p.m.

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below:

Puget Sound Systems and Applications: Planned Maintenance

Monday, June 7, 2021 from 5 p.m.-8 p.m.

REASON FOR IMPACT: In preparation for the upcoming login changes, work needs to be performed to transition authentication to the new system. Multi-factor authentication will be required beginning June 8th at 6 a.m. and the new Okta dashboard will be available at https://login.pugetsound.edu.

SYSTEMS IMPACTED: The following systems will be intermittently unavailable during the maintenance window:  

·         Canvas

·         Google Workspace

·         KACE ticketing system

·         myPugetSound

·         PeopleSoft Human Resources

·         PeopleSoft Financials

·         PeopleSoft Campus Solutions

·         VPN

·         Zoom

·         Various Puget Sound systems and applications


·         The university network, internet access, and wireless will NOT be affected.

·         Email and calendar, vDesk, campus file servers, telephones, and pugetsound.edu will NOT be affected.

·         Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work.

·         For more information about Okta, single sign-on, or multi-factor authentication, please see https://www.pugetsound.edu/about/offices-services/technology-services/okta.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements site.

For support questions please contact the Technology Service Desk at 253-879-8585 or servicedesk@pugetsound.edu.

{PUGETSOUND SYSTEMS}: Patch Maintenance, Sun May 2, 6 a.m.-6 p.m. [COMPLETE]

​This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below:

Puget Sound Systems and Applications: Planned Maintenance

Sunday, May 2, 2021 from 6 a.m.-6 p.m. [COMPLETE]

SYSTEMS IMPACTED: The following systems will be intermittently unavailable during the maintenance window:  

Campus file servers

Email and calendar




PeopleSoft Human Resources

PeopleSoft Financials

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions


Various Puget Sound systems and applications

REASON FOR IMPACT: To ensure a secure, reliable computing environment TS will be completing routine patch maintenance on our Puget Sound production servers.


·       The university network, internet access and wireless will NOT be affected.

·       Technology Services schedules regular maintenance windows, generally on the second Sunday of every month, to ensure a secure, reliable computing environment. Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work.

·        For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements site.

For support questions please contact the TS Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585.


{PUGETSOUND SYSTEMS}: Patch Maintenance, Sun May 2, 6 a.m.-6 p.m.

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below:

Puget Sound Systems and Applications: Planned Maintenance

Sunday, May 2, 2021 from 6 a.m.-6 p.m.

SYSTEMS IMPACTED: The following systems will be intermittently unavailable during the maintenance window:  

Campus file servers

Email and calendar




PeopleSoft Human Resources

PeopleSoft Financials

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions


Various Puget Sound systems and applications

REASON FOR IMPACT: To ensure a secure, reliable computing environment TS will be completing routine patch maintenance on our Puget Sound production servers.


·       The university network, internet access and wireless will NOT be affected.

·       Technology Services schedules regular maintenance windows, generally on the second Sunday of every month, to ensure a secure, reliable computing environment. Thank you for your patience as we conduct this important work.

·        For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements site.

For support questions please contact the TS Service Desk via phone at 253-879-8585.


{Email} System Maintenance – Thu, Apr 15 @ 5 am – 8 am [COMPLETE]

​This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below.

EMAIL: System Maintenance

Thursday, April 15 at 5 am – 8 am [COMPLETE]

REASON FOR IMPACT: A critical security patch is required on our email system.



·         There may be periods of time where email will be unavailable or where response times will be slower than normal during the maintenance window.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

{Email} System Maintenance – Thu, Apr 15 @ 5 am – 8 am

This is an announcement from Technology Services (TS). Please see details below.

EMAIL: System Maintenance

Thursday, April 15 at 5 am – 8 am

REASON FOR IMPACT: A critical security patch is required on our email system.



·         There may be periods of time where email will be unavailable or where response times will be slower than normal during the maintenance window.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.

{Email} System Maintenance – Wed, Apr 14 @ 5 am – 8 am [POSTPONED]

There were some issues during validation testing so we will be delaying the update until those issues are resolved.

EMAIL: System Maintenance

Wednesday, April 14 at 5 am – 8 am [POSTPONED]

REASON FOR IMPACT: A critical security patch is required on our email system.



·         There may be periods of time where email will be unavailable or where response times will be slower than normal during the maintenance window.

·         For more information on Technology Services’ Incident Communication Plan or to view a list of our Critical Systems and definitions, please visit our Service Announcements page on the Puget Sound website.