[Completed] Production Maintenance Window 06/26/2011 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

The Quarterly Patch Maintenance has been completed and all systems are back on line. The next production patch Maintenance window is scheduled to be on the 31st of July 2011.

The next production maintenance window is Sunday, June 26th, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
From 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, all services may be intermittently or entirely unavailable, including:

• E-mail
• Web services such as www.pugetsound.edu, cs.pugetsound.edu, and Moodle
• Personal and departmental file shares (on Alexandria and Merlin2)

Database services such as Cascade should not be affected during this Patch Maintenance Window.

[Completed] Production Monthly Maintenance Sunday the 24th April 2011 from 8 a.m to 12 p.m

Updated: 6:00 pm 24th April 2011.
Issues occurred with patches during the patch maintenance window. Services were regained by 5:45 pm, all service are available now.

From 8:00 AM to noon, all services may be intermittently or entirely unavailable, including:

  • E-mail
  • Database Applications: Cascade, FAMIS, Millennium, and Banner
  • Web services such as www.pugetsound.edu, cs.pugetsound.edu, and Moodle
  • Personal and departmental file shares (on Alexandria and Merlin2)

Scheduled Maintenance on Core Router

I will be upgrading the IOS on our Core Router (Cisco 6905) at 5:00am tomorrow morning (Tuesday Feb 8th).

The upgrade is to enable a new 10GB interface slot card.

All preparations are already in place, so I expect the downtimes to be short (5-10min each) and intermittent between 5:00-6:00am.

During the downtimes, all inter network-connectivity will be disabled.  There will be no access to any services or resources during this time.

This will include but not limited to: email, internet, databases, VPN, etc.

Mil9ip Instance Performance Tuning

Performed Mil9ip tuning on 4/7/2008, based the test on mildemo instance with Sean Vincent.  According to Sean, this tuning improved the performance of Millennium dramatically.  The tuning includes the follwing changes in the parameter file.

·         optimizer_mode=FIRST_ROWS from CHOOSE

·         increased shared_pool_size, pga_aggregate_target size, and sga_max_size

[Resolved] CX400 Battery Replacement Tuesday February 17th, 5:30AM

On February 17th from 5:30-6AM batteries in our EMC CX400 Disk Array will be replaced.  This is a fully redundant system and no outage is expected.  However, as with any change, there is always a risk of outage.  If a problem arises with the change, the following services may be impacted:

Database Services (FAMIS, Banner, Millennium, etc.)

Please note that Cascade will not be affected.

Databases unavailable, 1/10/2009

Campus email text:
Saturday, January 10, Technology Services will be performing important updates on our database systems. There will be two groups of outages:

5 AM until 8 PM – Cascade and Cascade Web will be unavailable.
9 AM until Noon – Banner, Famis, Basis, and Millennium will be unavailable.

Email, network files and shares, and other network services will not be impacted.

Cascade database is switching to new hardware and upgrading to 10g. Administrative toolset is being upgraded to 10g and deployed on new hardware.
Banner, Famis, Basis, and Millennium will be patched to make them compatible with 10g.

Database/Email Systems Unavailable 10/25

Saturday, October 25, Technology Services will be performing important updates on our database systems and storage area network. This will impact our database and email systems. In order to minimize service disruption, there will be two groups of outages:

  • 7 AM until 5 PM  – Cascade Web, Banner, Famis, Basis, and the CRM will be unavailable.
  • 7:30 AM until 9:00 AM – Email will be unavailable.

Network files and shares, and other network services will not be impacted.

All Database Systems Unavailable – 09.09.08

All central database systems are unavailable.  This service disruption began at 11AM today and services impacted include: Cascade, Cascade Web, Banner, Famis, Basis, CRM and Millennium. Technology Services has determined the source of the disruption to be a power outage and is working with Facilities Services to resolve as quickly as possible.  

Stable power has been restored and Technology Services is now focused on restarting and verifying the database systems.  Every effort is being made to restore services as quickly as possible.  Our earliest continuation of service is estimated at 3pm today.

Cascade Unscheduled Downtime

At 6 AM this morning, a reload of the core switch caused a failure of the network interfaces on the Cascade Web server. This in turn caused the Cascade web interface to be unavailable from 6 to 8:15 this morning. The server was rebooted and recovered, restoring service at approximately 8:15.

Other affected servers were grace, camano, and crystal, all of which were rebooted to restore service at 7:30 AM. Batch job processing was affected between 6 and 7:30 AM.

Database Server Reboot 4.17.2008

Email sent to liaisons:

Thursday April 17, Information Services will be performing critical changes on our database systems to improve recent performance concerns.

Access to all database systems including Cascade, Cascade Web, Banner, Famis, Basis and Millennium will be unavailable from 5:30 AM until 6 AM Thursday.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this outage, please contact Jenifer Brauen by telephone at ext. 2725, 253.879.2725, or via email at jbrauen@ups.edu. Thank you for understanding our need to conduct critical systems work.

Thank you.

– Jenifer Brauen