[Complete] Maintenance Window 5/31/09

[Update 5/31/2009 1:00 PM] All service has been restored, and this maintenance window is complete.

[Update 5/31/2009 12:15 PM] Many services have been restored, with the exception of Database Applications:  Cascade, FAMIS, Millennium, and Banner. They are expected to be available by 4:00 PM as planned.

The next production maintenance window is Sunday, May 31, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

From 8:00 AM to Noon, all services may be intermittently or entirely unavailable, including:

  • E-mail
  • Personal and departmental file shares (on Alexandria and Merlin2)
  • Database Applications:  Cascade, FAMIS, Millennium, and Banner

Please note that Database Applications will continue to be unavailable until 4:00 PM.

Messages Quarantined Before 9:00 AM Unavailable on Web 4/27/2009

Spam messages quarantined prior to 9:00 AM on April 27, 2009, are no longer available on the PureMessage Web site due to the domain name change which took effect at that time. Messages arriving after 9:00 AM will be available as usual.

If you need messages quarantined before this time, please contact the HelpDesk at helpdesk@ups.edu or x8585.

Whidbey certificate expired but purposely not renewed

I have the valid certificate ready but not installed for the following reasons.

  1. There should be no known application using the Certificate.
  2. In the past, the Certificate has been renewed, not knowing it’s used or not, just for the precaution.
  3. Before not renewing anymore, I need to make sure the Certificate is not really used by any of the applications.

Mil9ip Instance Performance Tuning

Performed Mil9ip tuning on 4/7/2008, based the test on mildemo instance with Sean Vincent.  According to Sean, this tuning improved the performance of Millennium dramatically.  The tuning includes the follwing changes in the parameter file.

·         optimizer_mode=FIRST_ROWS from CHOOSE

·         increased shared_pool_size, pga_aggregate_target size, and sga_max_size

[Completed] ResNet Bandwidth Upgrade 3/24/09

[Update 3/24/09 6:00 AM] The bandwidth upgrade on the ResNet Internet connection is complete. ResNet now has a 100 Mbps connection to the Internet. Enjoy!

On Tuesday morning, 3/24/09, from 5:30 AM to 6:00 AM the Internet connection for the college’s residential network will be upgraded from 45 Mbps to 100 Mbps (a two-fold increase). The Resnet Internet connection will be unavailable during this time.

The upgraded connection will feature not only a 100 Mbps bandwidth, but also a new traffic shaping model, based on bandwidth, rather than type of traffic. This should reduce many of the application problems we have seen over the past few years.