In order to address the problems that began with IMAP, POP3, and Webmail Slowness, we are tentatively scheduling email server maintenance for Monday, 21 November. The new disk array will be installed at this time. During the hours 7PM to 2 AM, all email service will be unavailable.
Monthly Archives: November 2005
UPS CA No. 2 Decomissioned
The temporary CA “UPS CA No.2” has been decomissioned, as has the CA on dm-2. These are superseded by University of Puget Sound Certification No. 3
Email Problems
There were reports last night and this morning that user were having problems connecting to webmail. The problem appears to be linked to the Sophos PureMessage software and the timing of the quarantine digest messages and the slow disk array.
We updated our PureMessage configuration to send on digest messages instead of having each server send individual messages. The result being that all the messages hit the mail server and the same time and overwhelmed it with e-mail and client access with the start of the business day.
We are modifying the interval for digest messages from twice a day to once per day and moving the time to 1:30 am each morining.
MERLIN2 Problems
MERLIN2, the administrative file server became unresponsive for unknown reasons, causing workstations connected to it to also become unresponsive.
The server was rebooted, which cleared the problem. Workstations my need to be rebooted as well.