The license key for the SurgeFTP server was apparently incorrectly generated. As a consequence, the server was running on the demo key, which expired today. SurgeFTP was stopped, and WU-ftpd was restarted so that people can upload their files. We are writing
Author Archives: myoung
Antivirus gateway hung
Due to a reconfiguration, the University’s antivirus gateway stopped forwarding email. The system was rebooted, and the problem was cleared. A slight email backup occurred, which was cleared in 1-2 hours.
ASUPS web server moved to the server room
The ASUPS web server was moved into the server room today, since the University calendar system developed by ASUPS has become an official service.
Loss of MX record
During the implementation of e-mail routing changes on 2/2/04 the MX record for the domain on the internal DNS server was inadvertantly disabled.
This problem has been fixed and a backlog of messages, held by the anti-virus gateway are now being delivered.
High volume of messages in AVG queue
A high volume of messages has been noticed in the queues of the anti-virus gateway. The cause of this situation is not clear. Currently message are taking anywhere from 15 minutes to several hours to be delivered. One cause may be the high volume of virus/worm traffic.
Mail service reconfiguration
The University e-mail service has been reconfigured to route as many messages as possible through the anti-virus gateway before they are sent off-campus or recieved by the University’s mail servers.
This additional stop for messages increases the delivery time, but in necessary to reduce the propogation of e-mail viruses and worms.
Shares on new academic file server repaired
File shares on the new ALEXANDRIA academic file server had incorrect share permissions set. This caused users to be locked out of their file space. The permissions were reset to the proper values.
Replacement for academic file server goes live
ALEXANDRIA, the academic file server wnet live this morning.
Wounded IP Pool in Union Ave (Greek Row) exhausted
Due to the problem with the DHCP server today, students in Greek Row subnet had problems registering, which caused them to back up in the wounded IP range, exhausting the wounded pool.
The wounded pool was increased in all subnets to relieve the problem.
Resnet DCHP server conf file refresh failed
As on 15 September, 2003, the auto-restart script on the Resnet DHCP server failed. The script was restarted, and this solved the problem.
SurgeFTP server installed on main web server
The SurgeFTP ftp server replaces WU-ftpd on the main web server. This is to limit viewing of files outside users’ home directories.
This was performed as part of normal monthly Preventative Maintenance.
Mail server load
As of 13:30 on January 12, 2004 the University mail server had received over 40,000 messages that were rejected or deferred based on the anti-spam rules. In an attempt to reduce this unnecessary load, the mail exchange (MX) records for the mail server in the external DNS were commented out. This will help to send all smtp traffic to the anti-virus gateway. Secondly, the ups-benjamin and mailserver objects were removed from the pix’s smtp group.
Movable Type upgraded to version 2.65
In order to get the latest features and to patch a security vulnerability, the Movable Type weblogging system was upgraded to 2.65 from version 2.64.
An atom 0.3 feed was added to the Maintenance blog.
Library Network Equipment Reconfigured for VLANs
The SmartSwitch 6000 chassis and blades were reconfigured for VLAN operation.
We also reconfigured the 2200’s for VLANs, but are having trouble with those.
Library server room is down as a consequence.
Wheelock Network Equipment Replaced
All network equipment in Wheelock Student Center was replaced. Cabletron equipment was replaced with Cisco equipment.