April 1 – April 7 listserv Delivery Problems

Beginning April 1st, the Mailman  listservs started failing to deliver messages to their membership.  This happened because one of the real-time blackhole lists that Mailman was subscribed to went out of service permanently, causing Mailman’s mail server (sendmail) to reject all messages outgoing to the list memberships. So the messages were received by Mailman and archived properly, but they were not delivered. This was found and resolved on April 7th.

This coincided with another email problem  on April  2-4, which masked  the listserv issue, which is why it took so long to find and resolve.

1/23/2008 Merlin2 Freezing Events

Merlin2 froze twice around the noon hour today. Indications are that it is a hardware issue that shows up under load, but so far no part of the hardware appears to be malfunctioning, and no pertinent events have been logged. This issue will be resolved by the replacement of the Merlin2 hardware in mid-February.

In the meantime, everyone has been advised to copy documents to workstations while they are being worked on, to minimize the chance of data loss.

10/22/2007 – Alexandria freezes and reboots

Beginning on Wednesday, October 17, Alexandria started freezing, sometimes rebooting itself, and sometimes requiring a manually-forced reboot. We don’t know what is causing this behavior. One possible cause is a RAID firmware upgrade recommended by Dell. This was done on October 10, one week before.

There are no log entries or any other indications of what might be wrong.

At this point we are going to watch the system to try and determine the frequency of the incidents. We may wish to schedule a rollback of the RAID firmware.

Serious Ingeniux outage

Today the pages on the main university web server began to fail due to problems with the Ingeniux CMS system. The CMS system itself could not be started to correct this issue. As a result, the contents on the CMS had be restored from backup. Unfortunately, changes made to the website from within the CMS may have been lost. If you have lost content, it may be possible to restore it. Please contact Jean Huskamp at x3773 for more information.