Reflection on The Why Axis: the Role of Time Discounting in the Education Gap.

Two eeks ago I wrote about chapter 4 of The Why Axis. I hope you continue (or begin) to read along with us as we make our way through the book and enjoy it as much as we are! The authors do a great job relaying some tricky behavioral economic ideas while they tackle profound topics in a fun way. One such topic, the gap in childhood education between inner city kids and many wealthy even simply middle class kids, was central in the fourth chapter. I found Gneezy’s and List’s discussion provoking and I have given some thought to Continue reading Reflection on The Why Axis: the Role of Time Discounting in the Education Gap.

Some Economists Think China’s Monetary Easing Policy is Hitting Home.

In response to China’s stock market crash in the third quarter of 2015 China began a monetary easing policy which consisted of “pumping funds into state lenders known as policy banks to finance government-backed programs.” The stock market crash marked the end of China’s good fortune, as well the end of the stream of foreign investment which funded much of their economies productivity. Weak demand for Chinese products, along with less foreign investment, both added to the case for more stimulus. (Surprisingly China’s unemployment rate has floated consistently at around 4%.) And now just a few months later in 2016 China’s reserves Continue reading Some Economists Think China’s Monetary Easing Policy is Hitting Home.

We Performed a Free Money Experiment, Results: Very Few Takers

Last Friday fellow blog writer Janne and I decided to run a little experiment. The idea was simple enough: offer free money to everyone and see if they take it. The results were not so simple: hardly anyone took our money. Now it leaves us wondering why. Let’s set up the circumstances. Janne and I began tabling outside the SUB at 10:30 and stayed there until 12:00. All that was on our table was a jar of coins and 1 dollar bills, as well as sizeable sign that read “Free Money, No Joke No questions” with an arrow pointing to Continue reading We Performed a Free Money Experiment, Results: Very Few Takers

The “Anything” You Can Do with an Economics Degree Part 3:  Grad School

The final portion of this 3-part series discusses the pros and cons of pursuing a graduate degree in economics. A graduate degree in economics is very valuable and useful if you are pursuing a career in advanced economic analysis, teaching, or research.  However, there are careers out there for economics students that do not require a Master’s degree; two of those careers are discussed in parts 1 and 2 of this series. So is the extra schooling worth the additional time and money?  As economics students know is often the case, it depends. Some Ph.D. programs offer a Master’s degree upon Continue reading The “Anything” You Can Do with an Economics Degree Part 3:  Grad School

Thesis Corner: Jordyn McLuen

Lukie Crowley (LC): To start it off, what is your topic? Jordyn McLuen (JM): I did a policy theory paper on apple production in Washington State and how it’s impacted by potentially the implementation of a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system. LC: Why did you choose (topic)? JM: I have always found environmental issues interesting, so I knew that I would like to do something related to climate change and try to apply a macro topic in climate change policy into a micro area in terms of Washington State apple production being one relatively small market. LC: Was there Continue reading Thesis Corner: Jordyn McLuen

The Minimum Wage Movement

New developments in the debate of minimum wage increase have revealed themselves and this time it’s the whole state of California to become apart of this movement. I have discussed in one of my previous posts about the predicted advantages and disadvantages of hiking up the minimum wage. As I previously reported, San Francisco and Los Angeles were among the cities to be outlining plans to drastically increase the minimum wage over the next few years. San Francisco was one of the cities to pioneer the way for minimum wage increase as citizens voted in Proposition J in 2014 which Continue reading The Minimum Wage Movement

Everything You Need to Know About Bitcoin

In the past few years you’ve probably heard the term bitcoin tossed around, which is hard to grasp for most who are unfamiliar with non-tangible currency. So here’s the rundown on everything you need to know in order to understand the world of digital currency. Bitcoin is a payment system as well as a digital asset invented by someone who operates under the name “Satoshi Nakamoto”, which was released in 2009. Bitcoin is whats known as a P2P (peer to peer) system which essentially means that you can send bitcoin from your computer, tablet, smart phone or other device, to Continue reading Everything You Need to Know About Bitcoin

GDP is a Bad Indicator

GDP,  we hear about it all the time, and whatever it is makes nations cry when it (technically, real GDP growth) decreases and celebrate when it chugs along at 3%. But what the heck is it really indicating? And is it even good at its job?? In short, GDP is a measure accumulating all of a nation’s production to indicate the nation’s wealth, and, also in short, it’s not that accurate or helpful. See GDP was developed during the great depression to help take stock of what was actually going on in the American economy – so that people could Continue reading GDP is a Bad Indicator

The Robotic Future of the Job Market

Recently there has been a lot of talk about the ever rapidly growing market for machines that can replicate what used to be a human run job. According to Autodesk CEO Carl Bass, “The factory of the future will have only two employees: a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to keep the man from touching the equipment.” Economists predict that this type of automation will make the human jobs that we know today obsolete in the near future. Just in the US manufacturing jobs have fallen from 25% Continue reading The Robotic Future of the Job Market

What is Capitalism Really, and Why Do People Hate it So Much?

Why do people hate capitalism so much? What’s wrong with the freedom to exchange private goods and services without major intervention by the government? What are people really saying when they denounce capitalism? First, a definition: Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. Synonyms include free enterprise and the free market.  I take two issues with the “fuck capitalism” attitude. 1. People don’t seem to know what socialism is (but love it anyway). 2. They’re confusing capitalism for income inequality and/or commercialism. Capitalism is Continue reading What is Capitalism Really, and Why Do People Hate it So Much?