About Ben Buchwald

e-mails: buchwaldb1@hotmail.com; bbuchwald@pugetsound.edu Year: Senior Major: BS in Chemistry Interests: Ben is just a generic guy interested in boring things like chess, drawing, exercising. About me: Ben roughly describes himself as "90% opinions; 10% facts".

The Whole Can Be Less Expensive than the Sum of Its Parts Pt. 2:

This is a continuation of blogpost #2. While it’s clear that a weird phenomenon is taking place, it isn’t clear what the crux cause of the broader market situation. The question still remains why was I rcenetly able to buy a prebuilt PC from MSI that was less expensive than if I had bought the parts individually? Let’s generalize this scenario: Scenario: Given two computers with the equivalent (equivalent here meaning performance-wise) parts where: one of which is pre-built and the other of which is self-assembled, how can the situation arise where the pre-built is less expensive than the self-assembled?                                                                  Continue reading The Whole Can Be Less Expensive than the Sum of Its Parts Pt. 2:

The Whole Can Be Less Expensive than the Sum of Its Parts Pt. 1:

This post is a continuation of my first blog post. In the first post, I mentioned pre-built computers—computers with parts pre-assembled by manufacturers—can be a cost-efficient alternative to a custom-built computer—computers with individual parts bought and assembled by the consumer. This should strike you as strange as it violates common sense. This is implying computer parts plus the labor to assemble those parts cost more than solely computer parts. You might be wondering why is this the case If you recall from blogpost #1, GPUs are one of the essential parts of a computer. They have always been traditionally expensive, Continue reading The Whole Can Be Less Expensive than the Sum of Its Parts Pt. 1:

Modeling a Risk-Averse Investor in the Stock Market Pt. 3: Trying to Find a Closer Approximation for the net value

In this blogpost, I will attempt to find an approximation for the series posted in part 2. In part #2, we had the table:   ROI based upon the period we invested in  (1/r)         Sum of each investment   Period 1 ROI  Period 2 ROI Period 3 ROI Period 4 ROI Period J   *SPECIAL CASE* $1/1 $1/1 $1/1 $1/1 + … 1+1+1+1 + …  = $J Investment #1 $1/2 $1/4 $1/8 $1/16 + … ½ + ¼ + 1/8 + 1/16 + … = $2.00 Investment #2 $1/3 $1/9 $1/27 $1/81   + … $1/3 Continue reading Modeling a Risk-Averse Investor in the Stock Market Pt. 3: Trying to Find a Closer Approximation for the net value

Modeling a Risk-Averse Investor in the Stock Market Pt. 2:

*This is just a continuation of the first blogpost titled “Modeling a Risk-Averse Investor in the Stock Market Pt. 2”. * Finding an Upper Bound for our Heuristic: To approximate the upper bound, let’s take J –> ∞ and not include the investment# 1 case as it is a special case then we have: Above, we shifted the index of r by 1. It now has to have an initial value of r = 2 insuring the first-rate equals ½. We can make another table to intuitively understand what this represents:   ROI based upon the period we invested in Continue reading Modeling a Risk-Averse Investor in the Stock Market Pt. 2:

Modeling a Risk-Averse Investor in the Stock Market Pt. 1:

Suppose someone wants to invest in the stock market, how would you approach modeling an individual investing in this asset class? The particular asset class at hand here is stocks. We will make intuitive assumptions about the stock market and how a risk-averse individual operates in the stock market. Then, we will try to transform said assumptions to make a simple heuristic. This heuristic will then generate a numerical value which we will describe in terms being between an upper and lower boundary. Let’s make the assumptions Creating the Assumptions: ROI on stocks to diminish overtime due to increasing market Continue reading Modeling a Risk-Averse Investor in the Stock Market Pt. 1:

Why Does Building a Computer Cost so Much? Pt. 1

Pt.1 Why does my GPU cost so much? This blog topic will be a multipart series reviewing the changing nature of PC markets along with plausible mechanisms for these changes. To answer the title question, it would be useful to know what expectations one should have for changes in PC prices over time. Setting Expectations: The two most expensive computer parts’—the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) and CPU (Computer Processing Unit)—performances have vastly increased over time. The increase in performance more or less follows a heuristic called “Moore’s law”. According to Moore’s law the number of transistors in are expected to Continue reading Why Does Building a Computer Cost so Much? Pt. 1