What a College Football Player is Worth According to Market Value

Business Insider recently released a study that estimated the value of a college football player if they were considered to be on the free market like you might see in the National Football League (NFL). The way that they were able to calculate the value was using the Collective Bargaining Agreement of the NFL in which the players receive 47% of the total revenue gathered. Business Insider then split the revenue between the players and the college and divided evenly across all of the players with scholarships (85 of them). The photo below shows the value of each player for bigger universities Continue reading What a College Football Player is Worth According to Market Value

Revenue Sharing, The Yankees and Hypocrisy

Those damn Yankees! Recently, the Yankees president Randy Levine made comments complaining about the revenue-sharing agreement used in Major League Baseball (MLB) which forces higher-revenue teams to pay lower-revenue teams millions of dollars to help balance the wealth around the league. “What is very burdensome to us, and is unfair, is the amount of money we have to pay in revenue sharing compared,  for example, to teams in our market that pay 10 times less than us,” Levine said (Fox Sports). As mentioned in the excellent New York Times article on this subject, Levine is referencing to the New York Mets, Continue reading Revenue Sharing, The Yankees and Hypocrisy