Careers (and internships) in Economics

Studying economics can open up countless opportunities for your future – here’s a short video from the American Economic Association showing the many ways how: To aid in this pursuit, Sound Economics hopes to share some job and internship opportunities with you throughout the semester. You can find many opportunities by visiting LoggerJobs (through my.pugetsound) or from visiting Career and Employment Services. This week, you’ll find: Private Wealth Management Summer Analyst at Goldman Sachs: Seattle (ID# 27101) – Oct. 21 deadline! (Open to sophomores and juniors and available in multiple locations.) Several positions at Liberty Mutual Insurance, including an Actuarial Internship (ID#27103) Continue reading Careers (and internships) in Economics

Friday Interviews (name pending)!

This is the first installment of our Friday interview series! Every Friday a Sound Economics contributor will conduct an interview with a current student (or alumni). Some economics students spent the summer conducting research, studying abroad, or doing an internship. This is a chance to hear more about their experiences. Since we’re still organizing interviews, I’ll start with my own internship. I interned at a small company (Karson Management) in Boston over the summer – it offered financial services to a wide variety of companies. Initially I thought they offered some sort of financial consulting (i.e. risk management). This was true, but the firm did much more Continue reading Friday Interviews (name pending)!

The Price is Wrong

This may not be the easiest pill to swallow, but worldwide, energy prices are far too low. In the United States, on average, the federal U.S. tax on gasoline has remained at merely 18 cents per gallon since 1993. We all know that there are negative effects that come with the overconsumption of nonrenewable energy, but is it reflected in the prices? When gas, or any other fossil fuel, is bought at market price, the cost fails to account for the environmental and social impacts that come with the production and consumption of these fuels. This issue is called a Continue reading The Price is Wrong

A Summertime Gem to Start the Semester

I thought it would be appropriate to open up the semester with a gem from my summer reading: the MONIAC Computer. I discovered it in Tim Hartford’s The Undercover Economist. It’s an analog macro-economic simulator developed in the late 1940’s by Bill Phillips, who at the time studied at the London School of Economics. Digital computers, which readily “crunch” numerical simulations for us today, were in their infancy at the time. So, Bill Phillips used a carefully arranged series of tanks and tubes through which moved an actual, physical fluid to simulate the flow of money in the UK economy. The Wikipedia Continue reading A Summertime Gem to Start the Semester

Welcome Back!

Welcome to another year of Sound Economics! Starting this Monday, we’ll be bringing you a daily dose of economic news and features on economics students here at the University of Puget Sound. This semester we will: introduce you to our new team of writers; feature several discussions of our theme for the semester: increased minimum wage proposals; present a new collection of profiles of student internships, student research, and economics department alumni. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook, or sign up for our daily e-mail digest!  

The Economics Blogosphere

As we begin finals week, and our bloggers take their summer hiatus, readers may be wondering where to go to get their fix of economic news and analysis. Fortunately, the econ blogosphere is under no shortage of excellent blogs worth reading. One such blogger, Noah Smith, has compiled a guide on Bloomberg View titled “These Are the Econ Blogs You Need to Read.” Macro blogs, aggregator blogs (which collect and often synthesize other blogs), game theory and decision making blogs, more partisan (both on the left and right) blogs … the list goes on and on. The realm of econ blogs Continue reading The Economics Blogosphere

Sound Economics Summer Reading

I’ll be taking a little time this summer to do a little reading, and I’m inviting Sound Economics readers and writers to join me in the inaugural Sound Economics Summer Reading club! Below, I’ll give a few books I plan on reading this summer. Feel free to reply in the comments section if you’d like to join me for some summer economics reading. Once fall comes back around, we’ll have something to discuss as a community of readers and econ-enthusiasts! I look forward to writing on these books (and much more) when the fall comes back around! Book #1: Misbehaving: The Continue reading Sound Economics Summer Reading

Prop J and San Francisco’s Minimum Wage Hike

77% of voters approved San Francisco’s Prop J last year – and on May 1st the San Francisco minimum wage increased to $12.25. This is the first minimum wage hike of many, as Prop J will raise the minimum wage in the city to $15 by 2018. Although raising the minimum wage seems like the socially optimal option, especially in a city with such a high cost of living, is it feasible for the smaller establishments and local shops that many San Franciscans know and love? Brian Hibbs is the owner of Comix Experience, a comic book store he has run for Continue reading Prop J and San Francisco’s Minimum Wage Hike

Get Paid to do Economics Research this Summer!

The Kriens Fund for Economics provides financial support for students’ independent research projects. You can extend a project from one of your classes or research a new topic, even one that might later become part of your thesis. Any topic is eligible but projects involving conservation or with an environmental focus are particularly encouraged. New deadline: Tuesday, May 5th Paperwork is available in the Economics Dept. lounge. All you need is a completed application, project proposal, budget, and support of a faculty supervisor. Questions? contact Prof. Garrett Milam,