Verizon’s 5G Rollout

This past Wednesday, Verizon introduced 5G capabilities in the cities of Chicago and Minneapolis. In doing so, Verizon became the first telecommunications company to serve its customers with the new technology. Although there have been complaints about spotty service and inconsistent coverage, these appear to be only temporary delays which are expected when a new technology is introduced to the public. As Verizon and other telecommunications companies optimize their 5G capabilities, the general public will be able to utilize the technology without a hitch. 5G wireless networks will prove as tremendous improvements over current 4G technologies. In fact, estimates put current Continue reading Verizon’s 5G Rollout

Release Strategy of Nintendo Switch

I’ve been a Nintendo fan most of my life. I don’t actually remember a time in my life before I had a GameBoy with Pokémon. My favorite video game to this day is Super Smash Bros Melee, a game which feature characters from Nintendo’s most popular franchises, released all the way back in 2001. However, Nintendo’s most recent console, the Wii U, hasn’t done very well compared to higher capacity rivals, the Sony PS4 and the Microsoft Xbox One. This Forbes article talks about Nintendo’s odd release strategy of the New Nintendo Switch, which is due to be out in Continue reading Release Strategy of Nintendo Switch