Metropolitan Areas, City Planning… but why?

Have you ever wondered why urban cities exist and why they’re located where they are? Historically, these spaces exist due to a confluence of human factors rooted in geography, politics, and human society. But their existence has fundamentally been driven by their ability to offer social and cultural advantages to their inhabitants, bringing people closer together to accelerate human achievement. Here, we explore a few factors: Economic Agglomeration Today, roughly 56% of the world’s population (4.4 billion inhabitants) – live in cities. They provide a platform for economic activities to thrive; as populations concentrate in urban areas, businesses benefit from Continue reading Metropolitan Areas, City Planning… but why?

The Federal Reserve and the Great Recession: Unraveling the Role of Monetary Policy

The 2008 Great Recession rocked the American economy like a seismic wave, unleashing sky-high unemployment rates and an alarming surge in home foreclosures, something the country hadn’t witnessed since the infamous Great Depression. This economic upheaval had its roots in the subprime mortgage meltdown, but its effects extended far beyond just housing. It crept into mutual funds, pensions, and the very corporations holding these shaky securities, creating a domino effect of financial instability that resonated within many households nationwide. Now, a full decade after the recession, and two presidencies later, the impacts are still haunting us. Workers continue to grapple Continue reading The Federal Reserve and the Great Recession: Unraveling the Role of Monetary Policy