March 3, 2022 brought a final culmination of the economics major degree for 26 hardworking seniors. After four years of modeling markets, laughing and crying through courses, and surprising ourselves with our abilities through exams, we presented our Fall 2021 thesis projects to our friends, families, and Puget Sound community.
Many completed through econometrics and the remaining macro-based theory, the full variety of thesis presentations can be seen here:

Myself and 10 other students had the pleasure of completing our theses under the guidance of Professor Matthew Warning. Through data focused collaborations with our own focused topics, our Fall 2021 semester was spent working and bonding with a fabulous economics community:

See the poster presentations from Professor Warning’s econometrics focused, empirical thesis class here:
Congratulations to all graduating economics seniors- we did it! A huge thank you to the wonderful faculty and staff of the economics department, and of course, a shout out to my colorful pens- couldn’t have done Econ without them <3
Great information. I’m sharing this with my FB community so more people know about the great work you students are doing in the Univ of Puget Sound Economics Department. Congratulations everyone on successfully completing your Economics degree!