Patriarchs, Proclamations and Procreation, or What Professors Do on Their Sabbaticals
Students–and the rest of the world–often wonder why academics are awarded sabbatical leaves when no one else seems to have this benefit. Well, the idea of a sabbatical is to give a faculty member time away from other responsibilities, including teaching, so they can advance their professional development. Sabbaticals are thus typically periods of focused research. In this post, I share the example of my 2019 sabbatical in Paris. I spent this sabbatical at the Centre Population et Développement located at the Université Paris Descartes. There, I worked with Christophe Guilmoto (demographer) and Sara Tafuro (economist), scholars researching “missing women,” Continue reading Patriarchs, Proclamations and Procreation, or What Professors Do on Their Sabbaticals