Jane Carlin is the Collins Memorial Library Director at the University of Puget Sound. She is an advocate for the book arts and has established a strong collection of unique artists’ books at the Collins Library, supported workshops, and lectures as well as a growing book arts community.

Dr. Lucia Harrison is an artist, arts advocate, and Member of the Faculty Emeritus from The Evergreen State College where she taught interdisciplinary courses in art and science. She is a founding member of The Puget Sound Book Artists.

Dr. Peter Wimberger is a founding member of the innovative Art+Sci initiative, established in 2013 at the University of Puget Sound. This interdisciplinary forum brings together artists, institutions, and any form of research exploring intersections between art and science. Wimberger is also Director of the Slater Museum of Natural History and has long been an advocate and supporter of the Collins Library and the arts.