Exhibits in the Library

Current Exhibit:

Scripts, Scribes, and Scribbles (On display until April 26, 2023)

This exhibit is all about hand lettering including medieval manuscripts, hand written books, 19th century penmanship textbooks, pens and inkwells, examples of contemporary calligraphy, personal handwritten journals and letters, writing desks, a “doodle wall,” and much, much more!  Scripts, Scribes and Scribbles brings together examples of handwriting and illustrates how handwriting has been taught, reproduced, and reimagined over the past five hundred years. Displaying a range of books and manuscripts from the Collins Library collection and many private donors and collectors, the exhibition addresses the role of handwriting in the age of print newly legible.

Future Exhibits:

  • Puget Sound Book Artists Annual Members Exhibition (June 1 – July 31)
  • Dreams (August 20 — November 17, 2023)
    This is an internationally juried show and additional details can be found here:   https://23sandy.com/pages/dreams
  • The World through Abby’s Eyes (January 2024 – May 2024)
    The World Through Abby’s Eyes, is about the nuanced life of women in the American West in the early twentieth century. The focal point of the exhibit will be Tacoma resident Abby Williams Hill (1861-1943), and specifically four significant roles she held: artist, advocate, mother, and woman. Building on these themes, we will also draw on the rich and vibrant history of Tacoma through documents, photographs and artifacts from the Archives & Special Collections, as well as the Hill art collection, that showcase these themes and time period. This exhibit will utilize the Hill Collection, a prominent teaching resource for Puget Sound, in a unique way. We hope to engage multiple disciplines across our campus, as well as the greater Tacoma community, as we consider the life of women in the West during the twentieth century.
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Curious about ChatGPT?

Curious about ChatGPT? Learn more about how the university is providing guidance. Check out this web page: https://www.pugetsound.edu/ai-based-writing-tools-guidance-and-policy

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At Collins library you have access to experienced staff, including librarians, student peer research advisors, and subject experts.  We are happy to help you learn to use the library and find materials for your research papers and course assignments.

We are committed to creating a welcoming environment for all our users.  Click here to learn more about our efforts to support diversity, equity and inclusion.

The library provides access to an abundance of physical and digital collections.  If  you do not find what you need in our collections, we are part of a network of libraries called the Orbis Cascade Alliance that can easily deliver materials  through a system we call Summit.

Our distinctive collections provide unique opportunities for students and researchers to work with one-of-a-kind items. Visit our Archives and Special Collections to learn more about the history of Puget Sound and opportunities to work with historical rare books and documents.

On behalf of all the staff at Collins Library, we hope you will all visit the Library often and freely share your thoughts about our services, facilities, and resources.  You can email me directly: jcarlin@pugetsound.edu or use our Tell Us What You Think link.

With best wishes for a successful and fulfilling academic experience.

-Jane A. Carlin, Library Director

  • Note to visitors:  Some services are restricted to Puget Sound campus staff and students. If you are a visitor to Puget Sound we strongly recommend that you work with librarians at your own college, school or public library. They may be able to uncover resources that you overlooked and/or make a referral to a library that best suits your needs. If you need to use another library, your librarian may be able to make arrangements on your behalf. You are also welcome to call our Library Services desk at 253.879.3669 with questions before you come to visit.
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Building a Diverse and Inclusive Library: Academic year 2022-23

The Collins Memorial Library staff actively support the University in advancing equity, diversity, creating inclusive experiences for all members of our community and confronting institutional bias and structural racism. Together with our partners in the Orbis Cascade Alliance of Academic Libraries and the Oberlin Group, we seek to build diverse collections and environments that foster and honor a wide array of perspectives, thoughts, and experiences.  We commit to work that overcomes cultural, historical and divisive biases and recognize the importance that diverse perspectives bring to our society. We also recognize the history of our profession in regard to marginalizing underrepresented individuals and groups and work toward eliminating barriers to services, spaces, resources and scholarship within academic libraries.

To learn more about how the University of Puget Sound supports an inclusive community visit the Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity:  https://www.pugetsound.edu/equity-diversity-puget-sound/contact-office-institutional-equity-and-diversity

Some recent action steps we have implemented:

Teaching, Research and Reference Services: 
The library pursues an intense and multifaceted instructional program that intentionally incorporates practices in support of DEI.

  • In research consultations with students, we utilize a strengths-based approach, meeting students where they are, listening to and validating their interests, and collaboratively creating a research action plan with them, instead of prescribing particular approaches or sources. In addition, librarians offer research appointments outside of the M-F, 8-5, traditional business hours in order to be available to students who may have school and work schedules that otherwise would prevent them from meeting with a librarian.
  • In both individual and classroom work, librarians use diverse examples to illustrate information literacy concepts–highlighting scholarly and creative works by minoritized authors; using a more expansive list of genres; introducing collections of diverse voices; and using social justice themes to inform inquiry and search strategies, for example:
    • Highlighting Prince and Purple Rain in a research class on American song
    • Encouraging students in Biology 101 to think about structural inequities that could
      contribute to the health impacts that could be caused by wildfire exposure 
    • Introducing algorithmic bias and inviting students to reflect on all the ways that such bias impacts them in both their personal lives and in the lives of those different from them 
    • Analyzing zines as primary sources, and promoting zines as a means of creative expression 
  • Whenever possible, librarians incorporate principles and practices of critical information literacy pedagogy, such as:
    • Explicitly discussing the social, political, and economic structures of information networks and inviting critical reflection on instances of information privilege
    • Using student-centered learning scenarios such presenting an open-ended  problem that requires student collaboration to generate multiple possible responses

Access to Information:
We are cognizant of the bias in the Library of Congress subject headings and continue to evaluate ways we can address this. For example, librarians in the PNW took action after learning from the Change the Subject video, an important film documenting a group of Dartmouth students who challenged anti-immigrant language in the Library of Congress subject headings. Our library consortium, the Orbis-Cascade Alliance replaced the term “Illegal aliens” with the terms “Undocumented immigrants” in the online PRIMO catalog. We continue to review subject headings and how information is categorized to reflect a more inclusive taxonomy.

Archives & Special Collections  
Archives & Special Collections staff actively collect materials that represent a diversity of voices. This includes a collection of artists’ books by artists of color, selected in collaboration with the African American Studies liaison librarian, and zines created by indigenous authors and members of the LGBTQ+ community. The Archives also hosts regular class sessions on topics such as systemic racism, women in science, the origins of University of Puget Sound’s Queer Studies Program, and Japanese-American incarceration during World War II. Digital teaching kits available on the library’s website complement these lesson plans.

Links to some of the digital teaching kits are below:

Staff Development: 
Library staff are committed to learning and reflecting on these important issues. One example is participation in the Alliance Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in Library User Experience speaker series. Library staff have engaged in discussions about materials in our collection and developed this resource to foster discussions:  Identifying racism materials zine

We have set aside special funding to support book purchases associated with DEI themes. We have also added a number of digital resources:

  • AVON (Academic Video Online): a video subscription that delivers almost 70,000 titles spanning subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more.
  • Black Thought and Culture: A collection of approximately 100,000 pages of non-fiction writings by major American black leaders, teachers, artists, politicians, religious leaders, athletes, war veterans, entertainers, and other figures, covering 250 years of history. Includes letters, speeches, prefatory essays, political leaflets, interviews, periodicals, and trial transcripts.
  • LGBT Thought and Culture: An online resource hosting books, periodicals, and archival materials documenting LGBT political, social and cultural movements throughout the twentieth century and into the present day. The collection illuminates the lives of lesbians, gays, transgender, and bisexual individuals and the community.
  • North American Indian Thought and Culture: Brings together more than 100,000 pages, many of which are previously unpublished, rare, or hard to find. Integrates autobiographies, biographies, Indian publications, oral histories, personal writings, photographs, drawings, and audio files for the first time. The result is a comprehensive representation of historical events as told by the individuals who lived through them. Supports scholarly research into the history of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Canadian First Peoples.
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Collins Library Links:  Spotlight on Special Collections


Spotlight on Special Collections

In a previous Collins Library Links, we shared information on University Archives and Manuscripts.  Today we share information on our special collections.  We know that students benefit from working with the unique items in our collections.  To examine a medieval manuscript, turn the pages of a book hand printed hundreds of years ago, or discover the artistry of a contemporary hand made book, they develop a connection with the past and present and reflect upon how knowledge is transmitted.

Cosmographia (1584)
Cosmographia (1584)

The University of Puget Sound Archives & Special Collections is home to hundreds of linear feet of books, including rare materials, artists’ books, and zines.  Our earliest books date from the 16th century, including a 1584 edition of Peter Apian’s scientific text Cosmographia and a 1538 edition of Plutarch’s Lives.  Special Collections is also home to a Geneva Bible, the same edition of the Bible used by William Shakespeare, John Donne, and numerous other 16th century English Protestants.

Areas of strength in our collection include religious and philosophical texts, local history, literature, the sciences, and artists’ books.

What are Artists’ Books?

Books are My Utopia (2020)

Artists’ books are works of art inspired by the form and function of the book.  They may look like traditional codices, or they may take on entirely new forms.  Formats in our Special Collections include accordion books, books made from fabric, and even a set of documents housed in a lunchbox.  Numerous artists’ books from Special Collections are included in the current Collins Library exhibit, Changing the Conversation, which is on display through December 11th.

One of the newest additions to our artists’ books collection is Books are My Utopia (pictured above), a collection of aphorisms about books and reading.  Each page features a printed quote along with hand-rendered calligraphic embellishment by artist Will Rueter.

What are Zines?

A selection of Collins Library zines

Zines are small-format, low-budget, inexpensive booklets that are self-published and ephemeral in nature.  The zine scene is inherently democratic: anyone can make a zine about anything for any reason.  Many zines celebrate niche interests, embrace creative expression, foreground personal narratives, or argue for a particular political or social position.  Special Collections is home to more than 500 zines exploring topics as varied as reproductive health, electronic music, LGBTQ rights, women in prison, and environmental concerns.  

Special Collections in the Classroom

The Archives & Special Collections encourages faculty to visit our space with their classes to familiarize students with rare books, artists’ books, and zines.  Students can handle books that are hundreds of years old and discover how books, reading, and subject areas such as science and literature have changed over time.  They can also explore the creative possibilities of book design and learn new ways to tell their own stories through nontraditional book arts.  To discuss a session or set up a time to visit Special Collections, contact archives@pugetsound.edu.    

Need Information? Don’t forget the Collins Memorial LibraryLibrary Guides
Questions? Contact your liaison librarian
Comments: Contact Jane Carlin, library director
Remember – Your best search engine is a librarian!

Connect with us!

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Now on Display! Scripts, Scribes, and Scribbles!

This exhibit is all about hand lettering including medieval manuscripts, hand written books, 19th century penmanship textbooks, pens and inkwells, examples of contemporary calligraphy, personal handwritten journals and letters, writing desks, a “doodle wall,” and much, much more!  

Scripts, Scribes and Scribbles brings together examples of handwriting and illustrates how handwriting has been taught, reproduced, and reimagined over the past five hundred years. Displaying a range of books and manuscripts from the Collins Library collection and many private donors and collectors, the exhibition addresses the role of handwriting in the age of print newly legible.​

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Collins Library Links: Updates from Collins Library: New Resources, Streaming Media and Research Marathons


Updates from Collins Library:
New Resources, Streaming Media and Research Marathons

New Resources:

The Library recently began providing access to the following open access primary source resources available on the JSTOR platform.   Additional collections will be added in the future.  These are linked to in the ‘Databases A-Z’ list found on the library’s homepage:

  • American Prison Newspapers, 1800-2020: Voices from the Inside
    Brings together hundreds of newspapers published within prisons by incarcerated people over the past 200 years. When complete, the collection will contain newspapers from prisons in every state, representing penal institutions of all kinds, including women-only institutions.
  • Student Activism
    Serves as a scholarly bridge from the extensive history of student protest in the United States to the study of today’s vibrant, continually unfolding actions. The collection captures the voices of students across the great range of protest, political actions, and equal-rights advocacy from the 20th and early 21st century United States.

Streaming Media:

This is a reminder that the Library maintains a detailed guide to Streaming Media which is accessible from the library website:  https://library.pugetsound.edu/streamingmedia.  This guide provides information about currently available resources, copyright & fair use, classroom access, and requesting content.  As you plan for the spring semester, please remember it is important to check on access to streaming media resources as often the terms of agreement and licenses are time sensitive and films that have been available previously may need to be relicensed.  For any questions, please consult with Andrea Klyn.

Research Marathons:

The Library has set the dates for the popular Research Marathon sessions for November 15 and 29, from 6-10 pm, in Library 118.  The Research Marathons aim to help students start or continue their course research projects, and are supported by our Peer Research Advisors and Associate Director Peggy Burge.  During the four-hour sessions students have the opportunity to work together, enjoy coffee and conversation, and get personalized research assistance.  Please share with your students. ​

Need Information? Don’t forget the Collins Memorial LibraryLibrary Guides
Questions? Contact your liaison librarian
Comments: Contact Jane Carlin, library director
Remember – Your best search engine is a librarian!

Connect with us!

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New display in Collins Memorial Library: Postcards for Perec

Jane Carlin, Library Director, had a chance to connect with Bristol, England based artist Linda Parr this past summer. As a result, Collins Library is pleased to share Parr’s work in the Collins Library.

The display (in the Reading Room) showcases the project Postcards for Perec. Georges Perec was a French novelist and filmmaker. Linda Parr coordinated an international project in which artists created postcards to illustrate one of Perec’s text. The idea of this project was to respond to Georges Perec’s 243 imaginary postcard messages by making the missing images, then sending real postcards. There was an enthusiastic worldwide response, catching the imagination of students & professors, artists & writers, Perec scholars, translators, mathematicians and architects. (from: https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/7815557/postcards-for-perec ).  All the images are documented on Instagram (just follow Postcards for Perec) or stop by Collins to view the postcard images!

Linda Parr is an English writer and artist. Parr’s work is often inspired by literature; she enjoys close reading as an artist and the counterpoint of text and art. She has an MA in Multidisciplinary Printmaking from the University of the West of England in Bristol UK and is co-organizer of World Book Night collaborative projects. Her artists’ books are held in national and international collections.

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Collins Library recognizes Native American Heritage Month

Collins Library recognizes Native American Heritage Month. 

Check out our display of books in the front of the library and browse through this resource: https://nativeamericanheritagemonth.gov/​ that provides links to a number of important primary sources.

Wilma Mankiller, First Female Chief of the Cherokee Nation

Wilma Mankiller

Quick overview: 
Wilma Mankiller was born in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, on November 18, 1945. Four decades later, in 1985, Mankiller became the first female principal chief of the Cherokee Nation. She sought to improve the nation’s health care, education system and government. She decided not to seek re-election in 1995 due to ill health. After leaving office, Mankiller remained an activist for Native-American and women’s rights until her death, on April 6, 2010, in Adair County, Oklahoma. 

Wilma Pearl Mankiller was a descendant of the Cherokee Indians, the Native Americans who were forced to leave their homelands in 1830s; she was also of Dutch and Irish descent. She grew up on Mankiller Flats, located near Rocky Mountain, Oklahoma, before moving with her family in the mid-1950s to San Francisco, California. Mankiller attended Skyline College and San Francisco State University in California before enrolling at Flaming Rainbow University in Oklahoma, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in social sciences. Thereafter, she took graduate courses at the University of Arkansas. Wilma Mankiller ran for deputy chief of the Cherokee Nation in 1983 and won, subsequently serving in that position for two years. Then, in 1985, she was named the tribe’s principal chief—making history as the first woman to serve as principal chief of the Cherokee people. 

Death and Legacy: 
Wilma Mankiller was a leader to her people through difficult times. After leaving office, her activism on behalf of Native Americans and women continued. Wilma Mankiller died on April 6, 2010, at the age of 64, in Oklahoma. After learning of Mankiller’s passing in 2010, President Barack Obama issued a statement about legendary Cherokee chief: “As the Cherokee Nation’s first female chief, she transformed the nation-to-nation relationship between the Cherokee Nation and the federal government, and served as an inspiration to women in Indian Country and across America,” he stated. “Her legacy will continue to encourage and motivate all who carry on her work.”

Maria Tallchief

Maria Tallchief, Prima Ballerina for the New York City Ballet

Quick overview: 
Born Elizabeth Marie Tall Chief on January 24, 1925, in Fairfax, Oklahoma, Tallchief was one of the country’s leading ballerinas from the 1940s to the ’60s. The daughter of an Osage tribe member, she was also a trailblazer for Native Americans in the world of ballet. Tallchief grew up in Los Angeles, California, where she studied ballet for years, working with Ernest Belcher and Bronislava Nijinska. 

During her early career, in the 1940s, Tallchief danced with the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo. It was also around this time that she became known professionally as Maria Tallchief, combining the two parts of her Indian name. In 1947, she became the first prima ballerina of the New York City Ballet—a title that she would hold for the next 13 years. That same year, Tallchief became the first American to dance with the Paris Opera Ballet. In addition to her work with the NYCB and Paris Opera Ballet, she was a guest performer with the American Ballet Theatre. 

In 1996 Tallchief became one of only five artists to receive the Kennedy Center Honors for their artistic contributions in the United States. That same year, the dancer was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame. In 1999, Tallchief was awarded the National Medal of Arts, the highest award given to artists and arts patrons by the U.S. government, which honors individuals who “are deserving of special recognition by reason of their outstanding contributions to the excellence, growth, support and availability of the arts in the United States.” Tallchief died on April 11, 2013, at the age of 88, at a hospital in Chicago, Illinois. She was survived by her daughter, Elise Paschen, her sister and fellow ballerina, Marjorie Tallchief, and two grandchildren.

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VOTE! Stop by the Collins Library and pick up a VOTE bookmark printed in the Makerspace

Need a reliable source of information to help you make up your mind?

Look no further, Collins Library recommends checking out the News Literacy Project for info on how to spot election misinformation: NewsLit.Org/Election2022.

We also recommend vote.org to help you find out how, when, and where to vote.

For detailed WA voting info: Sos.WA.Gov/Elections/Voters

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