Celebrating Women’s History Month through Feminist Manifestos

Women’s History Month is an annual celebration of women’s contributions to American history and contemporary society, and a great time to familiarize yourself with women’s stories, women authors, organizers, and media makers. This week, we’re featuring feminist manifestos, old and new, available at Collins Library. Manifestos have been an historically important genre for feminist thinkers and activists to challenge the status quo of gender and sex, make declarations about identity and politics, and advocate for change in our communities.

Search for these titles and many more in Primo and be inspired by perspectives from a variety of feminisms and time periods. Stay tuned for future posts this month highlighting more aspects of women’s historical, cultural, and creative production!

Burn it Down!: feminist manifestos for the revolution edited by Breanne Fahs

Spanning three centuries and four waves of feminist activism and writing from the nineteenth century to the present day, this collection chronicles the rage, dreams, and calls to action from women in a variety of contexts. The urgency and awareness represented in these documents, Fahs argues, are where new and revolutionary ideas are born.

Feminist Manifestoes: a global documentary reader edited by Penny A. Weiss

This collection brings together 150 documents, each with their own introduction, from feminist organizations and gatherings in over 50 countries over the course of three centuries. In the introduction, editor Penny Weiss explores the value of these documents, especially how they speak with and to each other.

Hood Feminism: notes from the women that a movement forgot by Mikki Kendall

In this collection of essays, Mikki Kendall critiques the modern feminist movement, arguing that it has chronically failed to address the needs of all but a few women. Kendall explores a variety of topics such as access to education, healthcare, wage inequality, food insecurity and more to show how race, class, sexual orientation, and ability intersect with gender.

Women & Power: a manifesto by Mary Beard

In two essays, well-known classicist, Mary Beard, offers a timely exploration of our cultural assumptions about women’s relationship with power, through examples ranging from the classical world of Medusa and Athena to modern women such as Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren.

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Black Freedom Struggle – an open access collection covering the ongoing fight for equal rights.

Black Freedom Struggle is an open access collection of selective primary source documents covering the ongoing fight for equal rights.

The collection includes approximately 1,600 documents from six phases of the struggle to obtain Black freedom:

  1. Slavery and the Abolitionist Movement (1790-1860)
  2. The Civil War and the Reconstruction Era (1861-1877)
  3. Jim Crow Era from 1878 to the Great Depression (1878-1932)
  4. The New Deal and World War II (1933-1945)
  5. The Civil Rights and Black Power Movements (1946-1975)
  6. The Contemporary Era (1976-2000)

The resource is especially rich in legislative sources. For example, documents related to Policing and Protests in the Contemporary Era include the Congressional hearing document, Policing Strategies for the 21st Century; the text of 116 H. Res 1007 calling for justice for George Floyd and opposing efforts to defund the police; and Representative Barbara Lee’s comments to the House of Representatives in 2020 on the police killing of Breonna Taylor.

Justice for Breonna Taylor
“401 years of white supremacy and oppression have rotted our criminal justice system. If there is any doubt that systemic racism exists, look to this decision [to indict only one of the three officers involved in the shooting of Breonna Taylor]”.

The website draws documents from a number of ProQuest databases including American Periodical; Black Abolitionist Papers; ProQuest History Vault; ProQuest Congressional; and Alexander Street’s Black Thought and Culture, to which Collins Memorial Library subscribes.

Although the collection is not exhaustive, it is a valuable tool, affording students the opportunity to examine primary source materials to enhance their understanding of African Americans’ struggles to obtain freedom and equality in the United States.

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Collins Library Links: UPDATES – Introducing the HathiTrust Digital Library



Introducing the HathiTrust Digital Library

We’re pleased to announce that the University of Puget Sound has recently joined HathiTrust, providing our students, faculty and staff access to a majority of the digitized items made available through the HathiTrust Digital Library!  “Founded in 2008, HathiTrust is a not-for-profit collaborative of academic and research libraries preserving 17+ million digitized items.”

The HathiTrust mission “is to contribute to research, scholarship, and the common good by collaboratively collecting, organizing, preserving, communicating, and sharing the record of human knowledge.” Many member libraries select and digitize titles from their collections, and the site then offers reading access to the fullest extent allowable by U.S. copyright law.  Titles available include monographs in all subject areas that are no longer restricted by copyright laws, open access titles including many federal and state government documents, and much more.

The site offers a sophisticated search tool, the ability to setup a personal account and create unique collections of materials of interest, and includes digital tools for text mining and other analytics.  Additionally, HathiTrust provides an Accessible Text Request Service for users who are blind or print disabled.  Much more information can be found on the HathiTrust site, and on the Collins HathiTrust Guide.

Please reach out to your liaison librarian with any questions about this important new resource.

Update on Streaming Media

Staff in the Library, Media Services, and Educational Technology are continuing to facilitate access to streaming media materials that you are assigning in your courses. 

Please continue to inform your liaison librarian about media titles that you plan to stream or require as part of your coursework.  Please do not assume that media/streaming resources that you have used in the past are still available as license agreements may have expired and may need to be repurchased. 

For more information about streaming media, please see: http://research.pugetsound.edu/streamingmedia or contact your liaison librarian.

Introducing a New Colleague:

Collins Library is pleased to welcome Nick Triggs to the library staff. Nick is joining our Public Services Team. Nick joins us from the Cornish College of the Arts where he served as a librarian. Next time you are in the Library, please take a moment to say hello. You can find Nick at the Public Services Desk (Circulation). Read more about Nick here: https://blogs.pugetsound.edu/collinsunbound/collins-welcomes-new-public-services-specialist-nick-triggs/

Need Information? Don’t forget the Collins Memorial Library – Library Guides
Questions? Contact your liaison librarian
Comments: Contact Jane Carlin, library director
Remember – Your best search engine is a librarian!

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Events/Exhibits Fall 2021-22



  • October 15, 2021 – January 14, 2022: Science Stories:  A Collaboration with Book Artists and Scientists. Co-curated by Lucia Harrison, Tacoma artist and Professor Emeritus from Evergreen College, Jane Carlin, Collins Library Director and Peter Wimberger, Professor of Biology and Director of the Slater Museum, this exhibit pairs artists and scientists in a collaboration.  Check out the Science Stories web site that provides access to images and artists and scientists videos.


  • Thursday, November 18, 2021: Science Stories:  A Collaboration with Book Artists and Scientists. Open House: Tours and Meet the Artists Event, Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound (masks required), Noon to 2:30pm. (Check out the Science Stories web site that provides access to images and artists and scientists videos.)
    – Deborah Greenwood, Artist
    – Dorothy McCuistion, Artist
    – Jan Ward, Artist
    – Lucia Harrison, Artist and Co-Curator



  • February 21 – April 22, 2022:  Wildlife:  The Guild of Book Workers, Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound (masks required) – Tacoma WA.
    The Guild of Book Workers was founded in 1906 to “establish and maintain a feeling of kinship and mutual interest among workers in the several hand book crafts.” Over 100 years later, the Guild is still vital, with regular traveling exhibitions, a journal, ten regional Chapters, and an annual Standards of Excellence seminar. Guild membership exceeds 800 and has expanded internationally. The organization is still run by volunteers. GBW is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in New York.

    This exhibition will feature approximately 50 works by Guild members. The exhibition will open in the summer of 2021 and travel from five to seven venues across the country, closing in the fall of 2022. Works will include fine and edition bindings, artist’s books, broadsides (letterpress printing, calligraphy, and decorative papermaking) and historical binding models. The number of framed wall pieces will make up a very small subset of the entries. Both the bindings and framed works to be exhibited will be selected by a jury to ensure that they are of excellent quality. Previous Guild exhibitions can be viewed online at https://guildofbookworkers.org/galleries.​
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Collins Welcomes New Public Services Specialist Nick Triggs!

Collins Library is pleased to welcome new Public Services Specialist Nick Triggs, who started on Tuesday, February 16, 2021. Learn more about Nick and his interests:


1. What attracts you to Puget Sound?
The variety of learning and inquiry happening at UPS. The library I previously worked for is extremely arts focused; Puget Sound also offers much more. The Sound Policy Institute and the Race & Pedagogy Institute interest me. And I won’t lie, the location and the lovely campus are a big draw for me.

2. What are you looking forward to most?
Meeting new people, and working with the Makerspace. Seeing what the students, staff, and faculty are curious about and the amazing things that they are researching and creating. Being part of a consortium, and having a wider range of disciplines to serve. 

3. Past accomplishments you would like to share?
Work-wise, it would be helping people in all sorts of different situations. It could be convincing an archivist in London to take pics of marginalia in a Sanskrit manuscript with her phone for a professor, or it could be helping a student format an assignment to print all on one page 2 minutes before it’s due. Life-wise, I am very fortunate to be a part of great families, and again, to be helping others when I can. I also ran the Bull Run Invitational as a parent, and it was really tough (for me)! 

4. Anything else you might like to share (pastimes, fun facts, etc…)
Well, I lived in Maryland for a long time. We moved out here 3+1/2 years ago from Baltimore to be closer to my son’s college (California College of the Arts) and my wife’s family (who live here and in Utah). So, I am still new to the area! I have a BFA in Painting from the Maryland Institute College of Art. My mom, sister, and wife all work(ed) in libraries. I like to cook and eat, I like to run and hike (to help with the eating). I love reading comics and listening to all kinds of music.

Everyone’s been so nice and welcoming here, thanks!

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Black Lives Matter at School: An Uprising for Educational Justice

The Collins Memorial Library recently purchased the ebook, Black Lives Matter at School: An Uprising for Educational Justice. According to the book’s description,

Black Lives Matter at School book

After a powerful webinar that included educators from ten cities explaining the many incredible actions they took in support of the national Black Lives Matter at School week of action, Denisha Jones contacted Jesse Hagopian to propose that they collect these stories in a book. Black Lives Matter at School succinctly generalizes lessons from successful challenges to institutional racism that have been won through the BLM at School movement. This is a book that can inspire many hundreds or thousands of more educators to join the BLM at School movement.

Black Lives Matter at School is a national coalition organizing for racial justice in education. It began in Seattle when John Muir Elementary School educators announced that they would wear Black Lives Matter t-shirts to work. In response, they received a bomb threat from white supremacists. In solidarity, thousands of educators came to school on October 19th wearing shirts that said, “Black Lives Matter: We Stand Together,” along with hundreds of families and students.

In the years since, schools across the country have participated in Weeks of Action, holding events for both schools and their communities. The Coalition offers a Starter Kit with resources for schools to host their first Week of Action as well as curriculum materials for every age group free of charge. Additionally, the educators in the BLM at School movement have develop a list of demands for the movement:

  1. End “zero tolerance” discipline, and implement restorative justice
  2. Hire more black teachers
  3. Mandate Black history and ethnic studies in K-12 curriculum
  4. Fund counselors not cops

In the wake of the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and others named and unnamed, Black Lives Matter at School launched a new initiative, the Year of Purpose, encouraging educators, students, and parents to participate in ongoing activations and reflection throughout the 2020-2021 school year. Events included Justice for George Day on October 14; Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20; and International People’s with Disabilities Day in December. Events in 2021 include Queer Organizing Behind the Scenes, Unapologetically Black Day, Student Activist Day, and #SayHerName Day.

Denisha Jones is a member of the national Black Lives Matter at School steering committee and Director of the Art of Teaching, the graduate teacher education program at Sarah Lawrence College; and her co-writer, Jesse Hagopian, teaches high school ethnic studies in Seattle and is on the Black Lives Matter at School steering committee.

For more information, see Black Lives Matter at School.

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Celebrating Black History Month: Alisa Banks and her book, Wrongful Termination

Collins Memorial Library’s inaugural post celebrating Black History Month takes a look at artist Alisa Banks and her book, Wrongful Termination, which is part of the artists’ book collection in Special Collections N7433.4.B36 A48 2019.

According to Anne Evenhaugen at the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives:

An artist’s book is a medium of artistic expression that uses the form or function of “book” as inspiration. It is the artistic initiative seen in the illustration, choice of materials, creation process, layout and design that makes it an art object.

What truly makes an artist’s book is the artist’s intent. Artists have used the book as inspiration in a myriad of ways and techniques, from traditional to the experimental. The book can be made through fine press printing or hand-crafted, with pages illustrated by computer-generated images or cheap photocopies. Books can become sculptures, tiny and gargantuan; books can be sliced up and reconfigured, made from all kinds of materials with unconventional objects incorporated, in unique or limited editions, or produced in multiple copies. With all sorts of ideas behind them, artists continue to challenge the idea, content and structure of the traditional book. (https://blog.library.si.edu/blog/2012/06/01/what-is-an-artists-book/#.YBmYOOhKiUk)

Wrongful Termination addresses race-based discriminatory practices. Starting in the 1980’s, multiple suits have been filed against employers, schools, and other agencies by people of color (primarily women) who were fired, passed over for promotion or hiring, or sent home for wearing their natural hair. Wrongful features two original poems and collaged texts from newspaper editorials.

Banks uses an altered law book by Lionel J. Postic as her primary structure. The volume is hollowed out to contain four paper scrolls affixed by plastic hair rollers over a base of black, synthetic hair. A four-page accordion fold insert is affixed to the front-end page. It includes two original poems and texts from newspaper editorials. Alisa told Collins Library staff in an online forum that Wrongful Termination was conceived of as a companion piece to Bad Hair, another of her books which features synthetic hair and features snips of editorials and quotes relating to women who have brought suit for being terminated by their employers because they wore “natural” hairstyles to work.

Alisa Banks is a visual artist who creates sculptural books, textile collage, and multi-media work to address identity politics; she frequently incorporates fibers and found materials that reference traditional craft techniques. Her work has been exhibited in Canada, Europe, Asia, and throughout the US, and is housed in several private and public collections, including the Smithsonian Institution, the US Library of Congress, and the New York Public Library’s Schomburg Center.

Alisa received her BS in Medical Technology from Oklahoma State University and her MFA in Art from Texas Woman’s University. She lives in Dallas, TX. Images from:  https://www.alisabanks.com

Additional Resources:

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The Black Kids – a virtual conversation & reading with author Christina Hammonds Reed, Feb. 22, 6pm

The Black Kids with author Christina Hammonds Reed, Feb. 22, 6pm

Collins Library is looking forward to this event! We hope you are as well!

Reed holds an MFA from the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts, and initiates timely conversations surrounding race, gender, class, violence, mental health, and more through her writing and keynote speeches.

About The Black Kids

For more about Reed’s work: 

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Welcome Back Loggers 2021! We missed you!

Collins Library welcomes on-campus and remote students for the Spring 2021 semester!  We are taking a hybrid approach to services, with some available in-person and others entirely online.  Please see our guide for more information: http://research.pugetsound.edu/spring2021.

Our research and reference services are being conducted remotely.  We offer several ways for you to get help with your research.  

For students on campus, the first floor of the library is available for individual study, beginning Monday, January 25, when the quarantine period has ended.  You must use the online seat reservation system, which will be available to take reservations starting on Friday, January 22.  You will have a variety of seating options from which to choose, including tables, lounge chairs, and computers. The link to the reservation system is https://pugetsound.libcal.com/r.

Two printers are available in the library, one in the West Reading Room, and one off of the Learning Commons.  If your sole purpose in the library is to quickly print out materials, you do not need to use the seat reservation system.  

The book stacks are closed to non-staff.  You may request Collins and SUMMIT materials via Primo and they will be pulled and made available to you in the library lobby; you will receive an email when they are available and are organized by last name.  

The Makerspace is available via appointment.  Please see https://research.pugetsound.edu/makerspace​​

The Archives and Special Collections is available via appointment.  Please email archives@pugetsound.edu.

For questions about Technology Services, located on the lower level, please see  https://www.pugetsound.edu/about/offices-services/technology-services/

Spring 2021 All Campus – Current building use information is posted at: https://www.pugetsound.edu/spring-2021/spring-2021-student-building-access-use-information/, and this information will be updated throughout the semester.

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Best Wishes for 2021!

From the Collins Memorial Library – Wishing you a safe and happy new year!

This photo is from A Sound Past (pugetsound.edu/asoundpast).
Did you know that to address a shortage of student housing, five 20′ by 40′
A-Frames were constructed in 1969 in the woods south of the Music Building?
Later a few chalets were built. This photo was taken after a snowfall in
December of 1985. The A-frames and chalets were removed in 1998.

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