Hey Loggers! How goes your summer?Wish you were here

Hopefully you had a chance to relax a bit before your summer activities kicked into full swing. Are you doing an internship? Taking a class? Holding down a summer job or two? Maybe you get to bask in the sun somewhere and daydream. Whatever you’re up to, we hope you’re having career epiphanies aplenty. (Even if it’s “I never want to do that again,” the information is useful!)

As you’ve probably noticed, our blog posts have dwindled recently. CES is still open through the summer and taking appointments, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., but we’re also taking a bit of a summer hiatus, blogishly speaking.

We’re busy planning for your arrival on campus in August…we have new resources we’ll be rolling out that will help you find work overseas, connect with alumni, and research graduate school options.

Also, we’re arranging details for the 25th ASK Night on October 7th. ASK Night is being held in conjunction with Homecoming this year, and since it is the 25th, we expect alumni to turn out in droves to answer your questions, talk about their career fields, and offer advice.

So anyway. We hope you’re having a great summer. Campus is pretty quiet with so many of you gone. We’re getting a lot done, but it is kind of lonely. Come visit when you’re back on campus!

Wish you were here!!

© 2010 Career and Employment Services, University of Puget Sound
Photo: Sabrina Stevenson
