Hello everyone! It is the end of the second week at school, but it feels like it’s been an eternity. It will be four weeks tomorrow since I got here but I came early for orientation– and it still feels like longer than that!
Last night I finished all my homework that’s due all the way up until Tuesday and I’m feeling QUITE accomlished and proud! Today I’m auditioning to choreograph for RDG, and if we make it, I’ll have to do dancer auditions and then place dancers and it will take literally all day Sunday. So I figured I’d better get things done. I was tired all week (and it was only a four-day week!) and I don’t want to be dying in class on Monday.
Every day this weekend was a mix of happiness and stress, satisfaction and angst. I gave a fake tour to practice for tour guiding, and that was fun. I’ll give my first tour Monday! Some of my fellow Perspectives leaders and I always get lunch on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, so that’s been fun. I had a bit of frustration with my Spanish assignments this week, and I was stressing about finishing all my homework because of RDG this weekend. I didn’t end up applying for the Trail, which I’m kind of sad about, but I have too much going on to handle the time commitment. Hopefully I can just start up again next semester. On Wednesday, Colleen (one of my roommates this year and my roommate last year) took me to a local ballet studio and I checked it out and talked to the lady and got a schedule, and it looks great! I’m going to my first class this Wednesday. There was a beginning pointe class warming up when we were there and so we watched, and I just wanted to run onto that lovely marley floor and jump in and do the exercise with them! And my theater class is continuing to be amazing. On Thursday we did a free write for ten minutes about a favorite place, and it was so nice. I’ve loved to write since I was young, and I have countless notebooks filled with my writing, but since I got back to school I haven’t had much time to do it. Those were the best ten minutes of my week. So that was nice, and we’re going to write our own monologues soon and I’m excited about that!
One of my best friends just called me upset abou something. It’s times like these when it’s hardest to be away. I want to be at her house so badly! My friends from home and I have a really uniquely strong bond. It’s hard to describe. And we all want to be there for her now, but we’re spread out everywhere. 🙁 Usually I don’t miss home that badly, but sometimes I just feel like I need to be there. Also… well I should back up for this story. There are eight of us in my group of best friends at home and one of them, Amber, came to Puget Sound too. So we’re each other’s constant; we never have to miss each other. And when we do, it’s weird. Haha. Anyway, Amber’s mom is here to visit right now and I saw them in the SUB this morning and it was very strange. I didn’t know they were going to be in there and suddenly there was a piece of Santa Rosa in the SUB!
On a happier note, it is ridiculously warm outside today! Actually, the last time I checked it was sixty-six, but it feels ridiculously warm. It’s weird how I can acclimate to Tacoma weather so quickly. I’ve been here for four weeks and the high sixties feels boiling! Our room is especially warm because it’s on the fourth floor.
Well, I’m going down to the sub with Amber and Michelle now. And then auditions… crossing my fingers!