Collins Memorial Library Prepares to Meet the Needs of Student-Prisoners in FEPPS Program

Freedom Education Project Puget Sound (FEPPS) is a Civic Scholarship Initiative of the University of Puget Sound, an organization that offers undergraduate courses to prisoners Washington Corrections Center For Women (WCCW) in Gig Harbor. In cooperation with Tacoma Community College, the students can earn an Associate’s degree.

Instructors for the program represent a variety of colleges and university from around the Puget Sound region –  including many from University of Puget Sound. In addition to faculty involvement, students from Univ. of Puget Sound have also been involved as co-learners in Prof. Tanya Erzen’s Religion 307: Prisons, Gender and Education. Students enrolled in REL 307 participate in an experiential learning class that combines academic content and weekly participation in a college program at the Washington Center for Women, including participating in study halls with the FEPPS students at WCCW.

FEPPS is looking to expand its offerings to students at WCCW by adding a Bachelor of Arts program for students who have already completed their Associate’s degree. The new degree under consideration would be granted by the University of Puget Sound, and would require students to conduct a great deal more research than the current program. Current University of Puget Sound students can use Collins Memorial Library’s many print and electronic resources to meet their needs. However, students at WCCW have limited access to print materials and no access to the Internet. How will the library meet these unique information needs?

Collins Memorial Library has been partnering with co-learners from REL 307 to pilot a workflow to help students behind bars get the research materials they need. The process is a bit complicated. FEPPS students at WCCW submit a research request that is transmitted to co-learners on the Puget Sound campus. Students then identify research materials, and transmit them to student staff, who print the materials, and transfer them to instructors who deliver the printed materials to the incarcerated students.

While there is no indication that FEPPS students at WCCW will get access to computers any time soon, they may soon be able to use computers without Internet capability. Library staff are already working on a copy of our catalog to provide to FEPPS students, so they might request books to borrow, and an offline version of JSTOR, so they might identify scholarly articles to request.

Collins Memorial Library staff remain dedicated to providing innovative student-centered service, and we’ll be prepared to meet the challenge of serving this new population of students.

– By Ben Tucker

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From the Archives & Special Collections: Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month and the Archives & Special Collections staff has put together a display of contemporary materials by and about women. On display in our Reading Room are approximately 20 zines from the Collins Library Zine Collection on subjects including feminism, race, body positivity, sexual assault and harassment, beauty, and women’s health issues including menstruation, birth control, and abortion. In addition to the zines, we also have some selections on display from our artists’ book collection. These books were created by women on subjects ranging from aging to the #metoo movement.

The Women’s History Month display is located in our Reading Room in the Archives & Special Collections on the second floor of the library through the month of March. If you are unable to stop by during our open hours (T/W/Th, 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM), just email us for an appointment!

The Archives & Special Collections is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM or by appointment.

By: Laura Edgar, Assistant Archivist


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Directory of Open Access Journals

University of Puget Sound supports student success by contributing modest funding to the Directory of Open Access Journals, where we are listed as a DOAJ Funder.  This directory is supported via donation, and Puget Sound is proud to be contributing.

DOAJ locates and evaluates open access journals across the world to find those peer reviewed titles of scholarly value.  The collection currently consists of over 12,500 journals (75% of the titles searchable at the article level) from 128 countries. These numbers change daily because the directory is actively maintained by DOAJ. The goal of the directory is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access academic journals.  1,386 of the titles have the DOAJ seal of approval, which means they follow a high level of openness and adhere to best practices and high publishing standards.  The articles are indexed in our Primo search (Collins+Summit+Articles scope) at

(DOAJ logo used with permission from DOAJ)

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Collins Library Links: What’s new for Spring Semester


What’s new for Spring Semester

Book Collecting Contest:  We are pleased to sponsor this contest. Established in 2010, the aim of this competition is to encourage full-time students at Puget Sound to read for enjoyment and to develop personal libraries throughout their lives, to appreciate the special qualities of printed or illustrated works, and to read, research and preserve the collected works for pleasure and scholarship. Collections can be on any subject and this contest is open to all full time students. Students receive a cash award and our winter is entered into the National Collegiate Book Collecting Contest.

Council of Independent Colleges Small Grant:  The Library has received a grant from the CIC to pilot a project to collection oral history narratives of Puget Sound students and alumni. We are partnering with Nancy Bristow, Andrew Gomez and LaToya Brackett to pilot the project this semester. As part of the grant, we are pleased to sponsor a workshop/lecture with Dr. Carol Baugh from Gannon University on March 29. Dr. Baugh leads a project titled Voices of Erie that collects stories of the immigrant population in and around Erie, PA with a focus on Syrian refugees.

Transforming Knowledge – Altered Encyclopedias:  What can happen to a book when it outlives its shelf life?  Stop by Collins and see the incredible transformation of single volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Over 30 local artists participated in this unique effort that will be on display until the end of the semester.

Behind the Archives Door:  Our featured guest this month is Regina Glenn.  While on campus in the late 1960s, Glenn was an active member of the Black Student Union, VP of ASUPS, president of the women’s business honorary society, Phi Chi Theta, and manager of the Puget Sound Bookstore. She went on to be invited to join the Puget Sound Board of Trustees and is the current President of the Black Alumni Union and the Class of 1970. Glenn will be speaking about her experiences and the importance of collecting documents to preserve our past and build our future. She will also be sharing how these historic documents can be used as unique marketing tools to engage current and graduating students, staff and supporters.

Makerspace:  A lot is happening in the space from making marbled paper and zines to creating a 3D printed prosthetic  hand. Check out some recent creations:

Media Purchases and Support:  We know this is complicated issue and of great concern to many of you. Please take a moment to review documentation and please do not hesitate to contact your liaison librarian with any questions or concerns.

Did you know?  The Collins Library maintained open hours during the recent snow storm?  Students found their “3rd” space” during the recent campus closure and thanks are extended to our dedicated staff – librarians and student employees.

Need Information? Don’t forget the Collins Memorial Library – Library Guides
Questions? Contact your liaison librarian
Comments: Contact Jane Carlin, library director
Remember – Your best search engine is a librarian!

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Refugee Narratives and the Digital Humanities, presentation by Professor Carolyn Baugh, March 29th, 1:30-3:00pm, Archives Seminar Room, 2nd Floor Collins Library

Carolyn Baugh is the Associate Professor of History at Gannon University, the Director of the Women’s Studies Program, as well as the Director of the Refugee Oral History Program. Dr. Baugh will focus on the Voice of Erie Oral History Project in which students at Gannon University work to preserve refugees’ personal histories and experiences.

This presentation is funded by the Council of Independent Colleges in Support of the Collins Library Finding Voice: Digital Narratives Project.

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From the Archives & Special Collections: The Past and Present of Greek Life on Campus

This semester I have been invited by multiple Greek houses to discuss the importance of revisiting our history and preserving the documents we create. These two acts are central to the work we do in the archives and I’m happy to help others through this process. I thought I’d share the heart of my presentation through this blog post, to hopefully help others learn a bit about our past and think critically about our future.

A Brief History of Greek Life at Puget Sound

In the early 1900s, students began forming literary societies to promote friendship and social interaction. By 1926, eight local social fraternities and sororities had formed, several tracing their roots to the literary societies. Beginning in the late 1940s, the local groups began to affiliate with national organizations. By 1966, there were eight fraternities and seven sororities, all with national affiliations. A great example of this is the history of our chapter of Phi Delta Theta. In 1905, the Philomathean Literary Society was founded. In 1922, the local fraternity Delta Kappa Phi was founded by the men of the Philomathean Literary Society. By 1952, Delta Kappa Phi became the Washington Delta chapter of the national Phi Delta Theta fraternity, which continues on campus to this day. If you’d like to learn more about the history of specific Greek houses on campus, read University of Puget Sound: From the Archives—People, Places, and Stories by John Finney.

Researching Greek Life on Campus

If you’re interesting in investigating the history of Greek life on campus, the Archives & Special Collections has multiple resources for you. As well as the above publication, I recommend searching The Trail online for old articles referencing Greek life or individual houses. You can also search for images from our historic photo collection online on A Sound Past. There are also physical collections that you can investigate in our office, including our complete set of yearbooks.

Preserving Documents for the Future

In order to have historical documents in the archives and within Greek organizations, people need to collect and preserve the documents they create. For any Greek organization, or student group in general, I’d recommend the following best practices for preserving your history:


  • Organize what you have. This applies to photo books, event fliers, chapter minutes, etc. Make sure you know what you have and organize it in a clear and consistent way.
  • Keep it in a secure location. That means safe/locked as well as in a dry, cool, and dark place. Don’t keep things in a corner of the house that is known to flood, has bugs, etc.


  • Create a system or routine. Make sure that system is then clear for others to follow.
  • Build the system into leadership positions/workflows. Make a system and make it easy to follow for future generations.
  • Ask for help when you need it! I’m always available for consultation.

Our campus history is useless unless we pay attention to it. Whether we’re reminiscing or critiquing it, the past can inform the work we’re doing. If you’d like to do your own research, reach out to the Archives & Special Collections—we’d be happy to help!

The Archives & Special Collections is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM or by appointment.

By: Adriana Flores, Archivist & Special Collections Librarian


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The story of fighting for your dreams

Sixteen-year-old Bri wants to be one of the greatest rappers of all time. As the daughter of an underground hip hop legend, Bri’s got big shoes to fill. But it’s hard to get your come up when you’re labeled a hoodlum at school, and your fridge at home is empty after your mom loses her job. So Bri pours her anger and frustration into her first song, which goes viral…for all the wrong reasons. Bri soon finds herself at the center of a controversy, portrayed by the media as a menace rather than an MC. But with an eviction notice staring her family down, Bri doesn’t just want to make it—she has to. Even if it means becoming the very thing the public has made her out to be.

Check this and more out in the Popular Reading Collection!

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The Raspberry Pi: perfect for a single purpose kiosk

No dirges played nor were there any funeral processions leading to recycling when the Library catalog terminal died over the Winter Break.  The elderly desktop computer had still been diligently helping the occasional patron look for the location of books, DVDs, scores, and journals right up to the end.  Even though more and more people use Primo on their smart phones as they search the stacks, it is nice to have a place to check quickly, particularly if you can’t access a smart phone in that moment of needing to find a title, and logging into the Learning Commons computers can sometimes take longer than you want when you just need to check one thing in the catalog.  That is why we are happy that a spontaneous brainstorming session between Desktop Lifecycle Administrator Jessica Hartenstein, Information Resources Coordinator Jada Pelger, and myself in my office led to the idea for using a Raspberry Pi to make a replacement to look up things in Primo.  We have been teaching students how to make Raspberry Pi projects in the Makerspace, but hadn’t really thought about how we could use them for the Library.  The Raspberry Pi is a single-board computer and perfect for a single purpose kiosk like this.  It also conveniently takes up very, very little space.  The Raspberry Pi kiosk to search Primo is located at the Circulation Desk on the first floor. Jada or I would be happy to explain how we set it up or help you set up your own tiny computer projects– just ask in the Makerspace.

-Hilary Robbeloth, Systems and Discovery Librarian

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Botanizing Hope—Mentors, methods and materials, Presentation by Seattle Artist Lou Cabeen, March 26th, 4:00–5:00pm, Archives Seminar Room, 2nd Floor Collins Library

In this informal, illustrated artist lecture Lou Cabeen will share the sources of inspiration that led to her current body of work which includes stitched artist books, letterpress printing and embroidery. The works in this lecture include the first fruits of her research into phytoremediation, a potential site of problematic hope in the face of lives lived in the midst of toxicity. She will also discuss her earlier work with environmental themes and her desire to make work that engages the current ecological crisis without being immobilized by despair.

Lou Cabeen is a Seattle artist who works with a range of media including maps, textiles, stitching and collage. Making artist books allows her to fully explore the power of tactile experience in     communicating her ideas. She uses cloth, paper and stitching in order to emphasize the tactile nature of private experience, and to reveal the textures of subjective thought.

Lou’s most recent work is inspired by environmental issues, from coal mining to watershed protection. Learn more about Lou’s creative work at:

Supported by the Puget Sound Book Artists Organization (PSBA)



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Fate has extraordinary plans for Sophie…

January is a dying planet that is divided between a permanently frozen darkness on one side, and blazing endless sunshine on the other. Humanity clings to life, spread across two cities built in the sliver of habitable dusk. However life inside the cities is just as hard. Sophie, a student and reluctant revolutionary, is supposed to be dead, after being exiled into the night. Saved only by forming an unusual bond with the enigmatic beasts who roam the ice, Sophie vows to stay hidden from the world, hoping she can heal.

But fate has other plans…

Sci/Fi and more in the Popular Reading Collection!

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