Puget Sound Book Artists Returns to Collins Library

2020 was the 10th anniversary of the Puget Sound Book Artists.  This grass roots organization started with just a few members and a big dream.  It has evolved into an organization of over 100 members with a robust program of workshops, presentations and an annual exhibit.  While plans for the 2020 10th anniversary exhibit were shelved due to COVID, it is with delight that we welcome back the Puget Sound Book Artists and the 2021 PSBA 10th Redux Annual Member’s Exhibition.  Visit the exhibition Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.  Masks are required as well as an in person visitor-login.

Visit the PSBA web site for updates about virtual presentations associated with the exhibition:  https://pugetsoundbookartists.wildapricot.org/

What makes this exhibition so special is that it is curated by members for members with the support of the Collins Library staff.  Collins Library Director, Jane Carlin, had a chance to connect with the curatorial team for a Q&A recently.

Jane:  How challenging was it to curate an exhibition during a pandemic?

The main challenges were: scrapping your previous processes, formats, and procedures in the face of a real possibility we would be unable to have a physical exhibition with in-person viewing. We had to think outside the box. Learning curves were steep, but not insurmountable: to incorporate streaming events, meetings, and digital sharing of images. Timing of production of a physical catalog was changed, which gave us (the curators) as well as the artists more time to complete our art and have the necessary imagining time for a new design. Photography required the creation of a mobile photo shoot set-up brought to the artists’ homes.  That was pretty creative!

Jane:  As curators, you made the decision not to establish awards this year, can you walk us through that decision?

After a good discussion, we felt that for this year we would forgo the awards piece, considering the added complexity of virtual exhibition events, the constraints of the exhibition mounting, and the time constraints and life-issues affecting the team members.  We determined we would highlight a range of artists (new to experienced, different structures, etc.) in our events to feature what are in our estimation exceptional pieces… We also felt strongly that the ordeal for all our artists over the past 18 months has added difficulty to our creative process we want this exhibition to celebrate their persistence in getting these pieces done. The celebration of our 10/11 years as a vibrant organization is particularly a testament to its strength: in how we turned adversity into opportunity. We are now emerging from our cocoons with new ways of sharing our work, broader and more inclusive connections to our communities, new venues for teaching, sharing, and making that will take us forward into this new way of living.

Jane:  Have you noticed any theme of the exhibit?  

Originally the 2020 exhibition was on the theme of Transformation. Little did we suspect how prescient that would prove to be! Moving beyond that theme, we find our submissions clearly reflect and amplify the issues we all encountered in our self-isolation: facing illness, healing and loss, nature/nurture, climate, race and inclusivity, issues of freedom and responsibility.

Jane:  What events do we have to look forward to?

We invite members and friends of PSBA to peruse the images of this year’s work through the on-line catalog and consider ordering your own copy from Blurb, sit in on the Artists’ Conversation Zoom event and Zoom Panel Discussion presentation, and be sure to visit the show now that the doors to Collins are open.

Congratulations to all the artists in the exhibit and a special thank you to  the members who coordinated this year’s exhibition.

Curatorial team members:

Exhibition Coordinator:
Sally Alger

Selection & Installation: 
Sally Alger, Pat Chupa, Helen Edwards, Rachel Watson

Volunteer Support:
Debbi Commodore, Becky Frehse, Peter Newland, Jan Ward

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Welcome back!  Collins Library extends a warm welcome to new and returning students!

Come to the library to participate in Discover Collins Library, a fun activity designed to introduce or re-introduce you to some of our services and resources.  You’ll earn small prizes along the way and can enter drawings for a large gift basket and a $200 credit at the Bookstore!  To get started, pick up the guide in the library lobby.

To get you in the frame of mind for the variety of research assignments you’ll have in the coming semester, engage with the Information Literacy Reflection Tool!  This online tool invites you to notice and appreciate your approaches to gathering and using information, and to recognize the components that make up information literacy.  

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Collins Library Links: Welcome Back Edition: Part II


Welcome Back Edition:  Part II

Library Study Space Access:
The Library front Reading Rooms will be open for individual study from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm Monday – Thursday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on Friday and Saturday 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.  There are also 5 individual study areas in the lower level of the library that are available for study.

Students will be required to reserve a seat through our online reservation service which is available at this link:  https://pugetsound.libcal.com/r

Lobby Pick-Up for Local Holds:
Local users may pick up requested library materials weekdays between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm and from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm (with the exception of Friday when we close at 5:00).  If you have requested an item, you will receive an email notification that it is ready to pick up.

Summit Borrowing:
We are pleased to announce that Summit borrowing is now in service. Borrowing is open for all local users and like local holds, you may pick these items up in the library lobby during designated times.

Remote Student Support: Access to Unique Content in our print collections:
We recognize that even with the plethora of digital content, there may be print resources that uniquely support study research and study.  For our remote learners who are unable to take advantage of our local pick up of print books, we are offering a digitization service.  Students may request portions of print books to be scanned.  A link will appear in the PRIMO record that alerts users to this service.

While we cannot mail books to students on demand, we are committed to ensuring your students receive the support they need to succeed in their studies.  We will work on an individual basis with students to provide support and if we are unable to identify a digital solution, and the print book is the only available alternative, we will work with the student to fulfill their request.

Turn-around time for Scan to Canvas/Digitization and Local Requests:
We are working behind the scenes to meet the demands of these new services.  Please be patient as we settle in to the new semester.  Thank you for your understanding.​

Communication with Students:
This information has been sent to students via an email, and this information is included on our web page, and we encourage you to share this link:  https://research.pugetsound.edu/remote​ with students in your classes.  Please direct students who have specific questions about library support to their liaison librarian, or to libref@pugetsound.edu.

We are here to support you and your students and please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have suggestions or concerns about library services: jcarlin@pugetsound.edu.

Need Information? Don’t forget the Collins Memorial Library – Library Guides
Questions? Contact your liaison librarian
Comments: Contact Jane Carlin, library director
Remember – Your best search engine is a librarian!

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Collins Library Links: Open Stacks and More!


Open Stacks and More!

We are so pleased to share some updates on our Collins Library collections, spaces, and services.

  1. Mark Monday, August 9!  We will be reopening our library stacks on all floors for our users. If you have missed the serendipitous discoveries made through browsing, the stacks await you!
  2. Hold Requests:  If you have enjoyed having your books ready for pick up in the front of the library, we are retaining this great service.  You still can request books through PRIMO and request a pick up at the Library.  Just note that as of August 9, the books will be available at the front circulation desk and will be checked out to you at that point, so please remember to bring your Logger or other photo ID with you.
  3. HathiTrust Emergency Temporary Access Service (ETAS) ends on August 9:  When our stacks were closed and so many of our students were studying remotely, we activated ETAS in our HathiTrust subscription, which made over 160,000 print titles available in digital form to University of Puget Sound faculty, staff and students.  As we resume providing full access to the print collection, the conditions for the fair use of digital copies of these materials has ended.  Note that the University of Puget Sound remains a HathiTrust member, and you may log in to HathiTrust using your institutional login and password to access and download full PDFs of materials in the public domain or licensed under Creative Commons.  Please contact your liaison librarian with any questions.
  4. There will be some reconfiguration of spaces on the first floor of the library:
    The new Faculty Development Center will be located in the space adjacent to the East Reading Room.
    The space that used to be the Mac Lab will be updated to serve as a collaboration and meeting space, with a focus on student use.  We have been fortunate to receive a grant from the Washington State Library to help update this space. 
    Open print reserves will be relocated at the north end of the Learning Commons.
  5. A reminder about OCR for Canvas:  Nick Triggs is our library contact for OCR for Canvas and you can find details of the request process here:  https://research.pugetsound.edu/OCR_for_Canvas. Since June, Nick has digitized and/or OCR-processed over six dozen requests from faculty for articles and book chapters, and has sent links for the many materials the library already owns in electronic format!  Please continue to use this service to help make digital materials more accessible in Canvas for our students!
  6. Open Education Resources Institute/American Association of Colleges & Universities:  Over the summer, Collins Library formed a team, led by Scholarly Communications and Digital Services Librarian Ben Tucker, to participate in this important national discussion.  Thanks are extended to Prof. Heidi Morton, Prof. Melvin Rouse, and Educational Technologist Margot Casson for joining Ben and Library Director Jane Carlin to raise awareness of and to promote OER at Puget Sound.  You will be hearing from us!​

Need Information? Don’t forget the Collins Memorial Library – Library Guides
Questions? Contact your liaison librarian
Comments: Contact Jane Carlin, library director
Remember – Your best search engine is a librarian!

Connect with us!

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Art Moment at Collins Library – June 25, 11:00-1:00pm, Celebrating the Kelmscott Press and our new Book Arts/Printing Press Studio!

At the end of the month, Collins Library will be joining other libraries and museums around the world to celebrate William Morris’s Kelmscott Press and the 125th anniversary of the Kelmscott edition of The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer.  Four years in the making, with illustrations by the Pre-Raphaelite artist Edward Burne-Jones and designed by Morris in every detail, the Kelmscott Chaucer, as it is commonly known, was published in 1891 and is universally considered one of the most beautiful books ever printed.

On June 25th between 11:00 and 1:00 pm visit the Collins Library Reading Room and take a moment to view some of our unique materials associated with William Morris and the Kelmscott Press as well as visit our new Book Arts/Printing Press Studio in the lower level of the Library!

Collins Librarian Jane Carlin will be giving 2 short presentations (10 minutes) on Morris and his books at 11:00 and 11:45.  To comply with social distancing, if you would like to join one of the presentations, please email Jane directly at: jcarlin@pugetsound.edu.  

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Collins Library Updates for Summer and Fall


Collins Library Updates for Summer and Fall

Dear Faculty:

Collins Library staff hope your summer is off to a good start!  We want to update you on just a few library-related matters:


We will continue most of our current COVID-19 practices during the summer.  Library stacks will remain closed, but we will continue to offer the hold/pick up and digitization services.  Librarians remain available for virtual research consultations and also can be reached via email.  However, we have made a few changes:

  • We are no longer requiring seat reservations for individual study on the first floor; instead, students, faculty or staff can simply find an individual study spot.
  • To accommodate students who are on campus during the summer term, we are open seven days a week, including until 8:00 pm on Mondays and Thursdays, and both Saturday and Sunday afternoons.  The library homepage always provides information on current hours.
  • All aspects of interlibrary loan borrowing have resumed, including, when necessary, requesting loans of physical materials from libraries outside the United States.  
  • We are pleased to announce a ​​New Service! OCR for Canvas is a collaborative effort between departmental administrative assistants, Collins Library, Student Accessibility and Accommodation, and faculty, to ensure the accessibility of course readings made available to our students via Canvas.  Please refer to this guide for more information and a link to the request form:  https://research.pugetsound.edu/OCR_for_Canvas.

Looking ahead to the Fall:

  • We anticipate, with no small measure of excitement, that in early August we will re-open our stacks on all floors.  The majority of our staff will also be back on campus, too.
  • Reserves:  We encourage you to integrate electronic full text resources, when available, and/or scanned portions of our print collection (using the new OCR for Canvas service) into your Canvas pages for classes.  However, we will offer a limited print reserves option for materials that cannot be accommodated in that way.  We will be transitioning to an open reserves system, where students may browse print materials placed on reserve by their professors without first needing to go to the Circulation Desk.  Libraries that have implemented open reserves report that more students actually use the materials on reserve when there is less of a barrier to accessing them.  Please look for more specific information later in the summer.
  • We will continue to offer the new services we created in response to the circumstances of the pandemic.  When you or your students need a book, you’ll be able to retrieve it yourself in the stacks or simply place a hold on it and we’ll retrieve it and check it out to you for pickup.  Similarly, you and your students may continue to request digitization of portions of the print collection.  (Please note that this service is intended to support personal research.  If you need materials digitized for posting on Canvas, please use the new OCR for Canvas service.)
  • Teaching and Learning:  Librarians are eager to continue collaborating with you to offer course-integrated information literacy instruction.  However, if you are interested in including an Archives & Special Collections session in the fall, please reach out to your liaison librarian as soon as possible.  Due to space limitations, and review of our collections, as well as our desire to reduce wear and tear to some of our primary source materials, we encourage the use of digitized primary sources, when available, and would like to work with you to develop new approaches to your classes.
  • Media:  We will be moving forward with de-accessioning our VHS tape collection, as the obsolete technology has made the materials inaccessible to our students.

Need Information? Don’t forget the Collins Memorial Library – Library Guides
Questions? Contact your liaison librarian
Comments: Contact Jane Carlin, library director
Remember – Your best search engine is a librarian!

Connect with us!

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Puyallup Tribe Lushootseed Land Acknowledgement

University of Puget Sound is on the traditional homelands of the Puyallup Tribe. The Puyallup people have lived on and stewarded these lands since the beginning of time, and continue to do so today. We recognize that this land acknowledgement is one small step toward true allyship and we commit to uplifting the voices, experiences, and histories of the Indigenous people of this land and beyond. 

Puyallup Tribe Lushootseed

To learn more about the Puyallup Tribe, please visit this website: http://www.puyallup-tribe.com/

To listen to the the Puyallup Tribe Lushootseed Land Acknowledgement, please visit:

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Collins Library receives INSPIRING WOMEN PORTFOLIO

INSPIRING WOMEN PORTFOLIO was created in celebration of the centennial anniversary of the 19th Amendment. The women featured here are from many time periods, all possessing a radical spirit of creating change in the world. The portfolio was printed during the 2020 Covid19 Pandemic and was organized by Kathryn Hunter, Blackbird Letterpress. May these women continue to inspire as the uncertain future unfolds.

On August 18, 1920, the US Constitution’s 19th Amendment was ratified—declaring no citizen could be denied the right to vote based on their sex. For more than 100 years, women’s suffrage supporters had fought for this right among others, including equal pay and access to education. However, the racially divided movement did not address the intersecting inequalities of race, class, and ethnicity. Intimidation, laws, fraud, and violence blocked women of color from voting. The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 granted voting rights, but many states denied this right to Indigenous women through the 1950s. Black women faced barriers until the Voting Rights Act of 1965. As we acknowledge the movement’s flaws, we also celebrate all women who organized, marched, and risked their lives to bring the US closer to universal suffrage. Their efforts gave women the chance to politically, socially, culturally, and economically transform this country.

This list corresponds to the above images left to right by rows.

  • Susan B Anthony – Jessica Peterson • The Southern Letterpress
  • Daisy Bates – Kate Askew with Perrion Hurd Yella Dog Press & Hurd Wired Studios
  • Shirley Chisholm – Nancy Hill • Hazel and Violet
  • Eugenie Clark – Yuka Petz • Letter Box Studio
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg – Tammy Winn • The Red Door Press
  • Joy Harjo – Kelly McMahon • May Day Studio
  • Frances Ellen Watkins Harper – Allison Chapman • Igloo Letterpress
  • Anita Hill – Kathryn Hunter • Blackbird Letterpress
  • Grace Hopper – Shelley Barandes • Albertine Press
  • Molly Ivins – Dori Boone with April Bryant • Side Track Press
  • Marsha P. Johnson – Allison and Jamie Nadeau • INK MEETS PAPER
  • Flo Kennedy – Lynda Sherman with Leigh Riibe • Bremelo Press
  • Sister Corita Kent – Rachael Hetzel • Pistachio Press
  • Patsy Takemoto Mink – Mandolin Brassaw • Grapheme
  • May Morris – Masy Chighizola • Press Relief
  • Lucretia Mott – Sarah McCoy • The Permanent Collection
  • Pauli Murray – Jessica Spring & Chandler O’Leary Dead Feminists at Springtide Press
  • Susan O’Malley – Stephanie Carpenter Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum
  • Michelle Obama – Molly Douma Brewer • Ice Pond Press
  • Sylvia Rivera – Kadin Henningsen • Meanwhile…Letterpress
  • Eleanor Roosevelt – Cathy Smith • Boxcar press
  • Janet Rowley – Jennifer Farrell • Starshaped Press
  • Nina Simone – Kyle Durrie • Power and Light Press
  • Ida B Wells – Ben Blount • MAKE Studio
  • Judy Woodruff – Kseniya Thomas • Thomas Printers

Posted in A Spotlight on the Constitution, Voting Rights and Elections, Diversity & Inclusion, Featured Resource | Leave a comment

Sound Ideas Readership

University of Puget Sound’s institutional repository, Sound Ideas has logged more than 1.3 million text downloads over its nearly decade-long lifespan. Every month we log the repository’s usage statistics by researchers around the world.

April Readership Totals
Last month, Sound Ideas had 27,347 full-text downloads and 6 new submissions were posted, bringing the total works in the repository to 7,848. University of Puget Sound scholarship was read by 1,759 institutions across 159 countries.

Most popular papers of April

Most popular publications of April

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Spring Update from Lever Press

Lever Press reports, “This February we were delighted to have Richard Benson, Associate Professor of Education from Spelman College, join our Editorial Board. Dr. Benson’s research interests combine a wealth of experiences and scholarship in critical pedagogy, history of American and African-American education, hip-hop history and youth popular culture, critical race theory and education, history of social movements, and school-community relationships.”

A new translation of Sophokles’ Women of Trachis by Vassar authors Rachel Kitzinger and Eamon Grennan is now live on Fulcrum and available for print purchase. The Fulcrum version of the volume includes a voice recording of the translation by Vassar students. 

Be on the lookout for additional releases in the coming months. Academic Pipeline Programs: Diversifying Pathways from the Bachelor’s to the Professoriate, by Curtis D. Byrd and Rihana S. Mason, in 2021 and Culture & Content in French: Frameworks for Innovative Curricula, edited by Kathryne Adair Corbin and Aurélie Chevant-Aksoy, in June.

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