It’s a bird…It’s a plane…It’s a Super Logger!

Phil Gardner of the Collegiate Employment Research Institute has surveyed employers for more than 20 years and publishes an annual Recruiting Trends report which highlights hiring trends across the country. In a recent update, Phil addressed the importance of alumni in the hiring of recent college graduates. In fact, he called them Super Agents.
At Puget Sound, these Super Loggers have been supporting students’ career development for decades. The Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK) Network, designed to connect students with alumni who are interested in sharing career information, has been around for more than 25 years, and has been a vital source for Logger-Logger interactions.
Other Loggers working for you:
Ben Bradley ’08: In his role as Manager of Employer Relations and Job Development, Ben meets with employers interested in hiring Puget Sound students. Ben recently returned from a trip to New York City and Washington D.C. where he advocated for Puget Sound students with alumni and their organizations.
Terri Gilmour ’84: Ben met Terri while attending the Washington D.C. regional alumni event. Her non-profit advocacy organization, Alley Cat Allies, is looking to fill multiple entry-level jobs and she wanted to promote the opportunity for Puget Sound students. Two positions are now posted in LoggerJobs (ID # 13896 and ID# 13897). Just in case you were wondering… yes, they do have cats in their office—6 of them in fact!
Todd DeMarco ’00: As a founding partner of Prodigy Resources, Todd visited campus in March to hire recruiters for their new office in Kirkland, WA and headquarters in Denver, CO. They were so impressed by the students they interviewed that not only have they extended 4 job offers to graduating seniors, but they are hoping to find a couple more! The position can be found in LoggerJobs by searching for ID #13120.
Kelsey McKee ’08: Kelsey saw an opportunity for her employer, Alvarez & Marsal, to tap into the Puget Sound talent pool. Kelsey composed a proposal for her director about the benefits of hiring at Puget Sound. In the fall of 2011, Alvarez & Marsal attended the Puget Sound Career Fair and solicited applications from interested candidates. After reviewing the applications and conducting interviews they have extended an offer to a graduating senior who will be joining their Seattle office in May. They plan to return next fall to recruit again.
Ted Sanders ’98: When a need arose to hire interns for the Shanghai office of SODAMEDIA, Ted, President and Chief Technology Officer, thought of his alma mater. As a self-stated “proud 1998 alum of Puget Sound,” Ted expressed his desire to “reach out to connect with new undergraduates who may be looking for internships or work experiences in Shanghai.” Ted originally planned to hire just one intern, but ended up extending 3 offers once he began interviews and realized the talent that Puget Sound students could bring to his organization.
Whether they advocate for students inside their organizations, provide career assistance as part of the ASK Network, or work at CES actively recruiting employers to hire Puget Sound students, Puget Sound alumni are a valuable resource.
Students! Need help on how to connect with alumni? Visit CES. We can help you tap into the powers of these and other Super Loggers!
Alumni! Ready to don your Super Logger cape? Join the ASK Network, post jobs and internships for students and recent grads, and read about other ways you can support students’ career development!
Photo: Ross Mulhausen
© 2012 Career and Employment Services, University of Puget Sound