Year 42

1929: The Stump Farm – A Chronicle of Pioneering

Author/Editor: Hilda Rose

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Letters, diaries and memoirs provide a snapshot of a life. Their personal voice appeals to our interest in history.  Stump Farm is one such book.   Hilda Rose was a writer and schoolteacher who lived in the wilderness in Alberta, Canada.  The books shares correspondence with friend Margaret Emerson that paints a vivid picture of the life on the farm.

Entry from December 12, 1919  I expected cold weather, though not so early.  The drops of water I spill on the floor freeze at once.  Why, my milk freezes on the table with the hot stove going…..

January 24, 1923.  .. I thought I would get some traps and try for some furs up therel live like an Indian; shoot and fish and trap.  Boy ( her son) will soon be quite a lad and able to help me.  His education won’t be neglected, for one of my greatest pleasures is teaching him.  I have a map of the world pinned up on the wall.  I have Grey’s Anatomy and he just loves it.  At the table when I have cooked a hen he gravely tells Daddy to give him the femur or the radius and ulna.

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