Hey all! Sorry about my recent posting absence (midterms sort of kicked my butt) but no worries I’m back and ready tell you all about these past few weeks.
Let’s start with my recent Spring Break trip down to LA with two of my housemates. Our adventure began with a 7a.m. flight out of Sea-Tac which meant leaving the house at 5a.m.( which was actually 4 a.m. since Daylight’s Savings Time had just begun two hours prior!) We made it through security half asleep and upon arrival to our terminal quickly downed our much needed coffee. Finally we were able to board our flight and we were on our way to LA! After about two and a half hours we finally made it to LA! After grabbing our bags and chatting with a friend I ran into from UPS (small world) we ran to catch our shuttle to the rental car company. Once outside I quickly put on my sunglasses to guard my eyes from the light of this thing called the sun, which despite the rumors, actually exists! We made it to the rental company in one piece and I was able to pick up our first rental car and drive off into the LA traffic with. After four days of driving in LA I’m proud to report the only damage to the car was a small scrape on the bumper…SUCCESS! Our first stop was the hotel where we smuggled out pool towels to take to the beach. The next day we decided to check out Venice and Muscle beach (definitely my favorite part of the trip) and Santa Monica where we got to watch a few photo shoots and some really good skateboarders, and of course soak up the sun on the beach! On Tuesday we decided to head to Huntington beach, again to soak up some Vitamin D and watch the talented and, dare I say, gorgeous surfers! On our way back we stopped at my favorite froyo place ever, Pinkberry, so my housemate could experience the deliciousness for her first time! For our final full day in LA we decided to head back to Venice one last time to soak up as much sun and Venice Beach shenanigans as we could. After a day at the beach we met up with another friend of ours from UPS for dinner and got caught up on each other’s vacations. We flew out Thursday morning and made it back to Tacoma in one piece and few shades tanner!
The previous couple weeks were a little less exciting, with the exception of two awesome days! The most special of those days being Leap Day, which was the day my new niece was born! She was a healthy 6 pound 15 ounces and I can’t wait to get home to see her in person!The other exciting day being International Women’s Day/ Feminist Coming Out Day which is the day to proclaim your passion for equality and celebrate how far women have come and also a great day to wear your best pro-equality/pro-feminist attire!

In honor of International Women's Day, one of my favorites! Property of http://feministryangosling.tumblr.com/
I hope everyone had some great R&R over Spring Break! Have a great first week back!!