So last weekend my housemates and I decided to build a fort in our living and have a sleepover party. Yes. A group of 21 years old chose not to go to out for Satruday night drinking (or even more realistically, decided not to go spend the entire evening studying in library) in favor of throwing a slumber party. Complete with movie, popcorn and blanket and sheet roofs, sleeping bags, pillow wars, gummy candies and, yes. sleeping. Ha ha, it was a great time. I am reminded of this webcomic:
which really. It’s only true. Ok. perhaps we aren’t all ‘grown-ups’ yet, but seriously? It’s only four more years until we can all legally rent a car.
It is a weird transistion stage for us seniors though. Because now we are all more than a little panicky at the thought of stepping into the world in just a years time and doing whatever it is that we manage to do with ourselves. While I might have been guilty of future-scaping even in my Sophomore year, at this point, it almost feels as though that’s all that ends up happening when my brain is given some respite from papers/reading/research projects. Just, what are we going to do for ourselves? All of us students here?
But I am excited for it. It is sort of like a chapter book that goes a little slow, but I can feel the plot deepening and thickening, taking all of my will power not to flash ahead and read the chapter titles to get some idea and relief for what events will plague the heroes next! Of course, I can’t do that. Just feel the tension is all. And weave a more complex plot for myself, trying to tease out more concrete possibilities. Fun times, fun times.
In the meantime. Living-room forts never go out of fashion. Neither do slumber parties. Even if instead of reading Judy Blume by flashlight, we are reading “The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation”
But you know, it all comes to the same thing! Having fun and cutting lose in whatever ways seem most stress-relieving .

A shot from inside our Fort!