A Definition of Curator

Look up curaIMG_9604tor in the Webster’s 20th Century Unabridged Dictionary, and it would be fitting to see a picture of (from left to right) Katy Govan, Debbi Commodore, Deborah Greenwood, and Pat Chupa.   It would also be apt to say Webster’s definition of the word does not begin to do the title of curator, justice.  Or perhaps my copy of Webster’s Dictionary is just woefully out of date.  Well, so it is, but even then, “one who has the care and superintendence of anything, as a museum, library, etc.”  just doesn’t begin to describe the task of these four people.  More than just members of the Puget Sound Book Artists, they were responsible for accepting and arranging 58 works of art from 32 artists for a stunning exhibition known as the 3rd Annual Puget Sound Book Artists Members Exhibition currently on display at Collins Memorial Library, the University of Puget Sound.  A beautiful exhibition catalog, available here from Blurb,  is also a tribute to the curatorial skills of these four artists.  Take a bow ladies…..

The Puget Sound Book Artists 3rd Annual Members Exhibition

June 6th -July 31st

Collins Memorial Library

University of Puget Sound


A Conversation With the Artists

Thursday, June 20th 5:00-8:00pm

photo credits: Elizabeth Walsh


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……is all I can say about the Puget Sound Book Artists 3rd Annual Members Exhibition.  Last night’s reception and awards presentation was a stunning excess.  Kudos to the artists, the PSBA curatorial team, and our guests who made last night possible.  In the next few days there will be more posts and photographs from the event.  For now, we present the awards and recipients  from last nights gala event.

Knopp1Curator’s Choice Award:  Lynne Knopp: Trilogy of Choice; on the horns of a dilemma

Accordion-style structure, Lunaria pod pages, waxed beadstring, beach rock cover, antique Japanese frogs and recycled glass shelf; 1.375 x 1.5 x 1.5 inches (opens to 25 inches”).  Unique

“There is a fragility to life and an indomitable nature of the human spirit.  From the oldest living survivor of the holocaust, whose son conveyed that he was given such extraordinary security while living in a concentration camp that “in the middle of hell, my mother created a Garden of Eden for me,” to a badly burned child, who rallied after being visited by a volunteer teacher: “It is not likely they would teach adverbs to a dying boy”.  Hope is the last thing ever lost, but it is often found in the most precarious of places”.
Lynne Knopp   

   OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Recognition of Excellence Award: Arini Esarey: La ilaha illallah 

Two-section pamphlet sewn book with custom-made cradle box, cotton cloth, embroidery thread, ribbon, book board and book cloth; 8 x 7.5 x 2.25 inches, 25 pages.  Unique

“This book was made as a reflection on my mother and the role of faith in her life.  She hand-wrote these words in Arabic and their English transliteration which I then copied and embroidered 100 times.  The phrases are stitched in random arrangement on recto and verso so the front and backs of the stitching are exposed as one turns the pages.  I hope that the pacing will cause viewers to read through this book mindfully.  Through this project I hope to unite my sources of joy and contemplation with hers and thereby gain understanding of her perspective.”       Arini Esarey

SpringThe Collins Memorial Library Award: Elliot Press:  A Strange Case of Alchemical Munificence

Letterpress printed cards, pochoir, linoleum carving, ornaments and more than 99 alchemical symbols donated to the Elliott Press by Dr. John Shaw in the 1980’s.  Cards are 3×4 inches housed in a 4 x 6 x .75 inch box 99 pages.  Edition of 33

“The number 9 plays a significant role in the noble art of alchemy.  Symbolic of perfection and attainment, satisfaction and completion, the number 9 is concerned with intellectual power and the journey towards spiritual enlightenment.  The ninth tarot card in the Major Arcana is represented by the Hermit; oftentimes viwed as an alchemist who travels the world with only his secret knowledge to gyide him.  This deck, divided into 9 distinct categories, explores the fundamental meaning of 17th century alchemical symbols left to us by Dr. John Shaw, a dermatologist and hobby printer.”


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Making it Happen

photo  III


Every exhibition is unique;  from the art, to the punch served at the table, to the artists themselves.  Add the creative decisions each artist must make, to those details that must be carefully attended to by the curatorial committee and others, and it becomes almost inconceivable that any event can occur at all.  Everything seems a recipe for disaster and an infinite number of things can go wrong.  And yet nothing will.  The artists books will be superb, the punch refreshing, and the artists will be, well, artists.  Everything will come together as if by magic and the event will unfold on opening night just as planned.    And in the meantime, the excitement grows……

Join us for the opening reception of the:

Puget Sound Book Artists 3rd Annual Members Exhibition

Thursday, June 6th 4:30-6:30pm

Exhibition: June 6-July 31

Conversation with the artists: June 20, 2013 5:00-8:00pm

 photo credits: Jane Carlin
Curatorial Committee working on the exhibition: From Left to Right: Pat Chupa, Deborah Greenwood, Debbi Commodore, Katy Govan                      
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3rd Annual PSBA Members Exhibition

PSBA logoPSBA_big books only

     This exhibition at the Collins Memorial Library on the University of Puget Sound campus located in Tacoma, Washington marks the third annual membership show of the Puget Sound Book Artists (PSBA). It features a wide variety of handmade books by thirty different artists from the Puget Sound area and beyond. The exhibit has grown in popularity over the last three years, and this year new members from Oregon, New Mexico and Indiana are featured.  These talented artists interpret the book in exciting and original ways that push the boundaries of tradition.   If you would like to purchase a catalog of the exhibit, there will be a few available on the night of the reception.  Or you can order one for yourself from Here.

Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA

Exhibition: June 6 – July 31, 2013

Opening Reception: Thursday, June 6, 2013   4:30-6:30 pm

Conversation with the Artists: Thursday, June 20, 2013   5:00-8:00 pm

for more information:



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FEAST! A Special Presentation


Collins Memorial Library, The University of Puget Sound

May 28th, 2:00-3:30

You are invited to a special viewing of FEAST! the juried book arts exhibition now on view at 23 Sandy Gallery. Laura Russell will be at UPS Collins Gallery with a selection of books from the show on Tuesday, May 28th at 2:00 p.m. She’ll talk for just a few minutes about the show and then you get to peruse the books. If you can’t make it to Portland to see the whole show this trunk show is your chance to view the best of the best. You can preview FEAST here: www.23sandy.com/works/feast

 23 Sandy Gallery hosts two juried exhibitions each year. These are the gallery’s two BIG events of the year and are always a huge draw for gallery visitors, both in person and online. As the gallery celebrates its six-year anniversary this month it is very exciting to present our first juried show of the year, FEAST!   The book arts offer a banquet of materials, mediums and structures. Food offers a smorgasbord of ideas for the artist. Mix up generous servings of food and art and you have a sumptuous feast called book arts. This show features 46 food-related unique and limited edition artist books and broadsides by 43 artists. Food can play many roles in the book arts: cook books, memories of food and family, books about food issues such as hunger, sustainability or tales of the locavore. Go forth and feast on this big wide world of food inspiration.   FEAST! features the work of the following artists: Naomi Adams, Islam Aly, Patty Bruce, Cathleen Casey, Minali Chatani, Robin Bachtler Cushman, Katie Delay, David Esslemont, Virginia Flynn, Patricia Freeman-Martin, Jonathan Gerken, Annie Herlocker, Diane Jacobs, Deborah Kogan, Karen Koshgarian, Elaine Langerman, Woody Leslie, Louise Levergneux, Sarah McCoy, Tekla McInerney, Bessie Smith Moulton, Jackie Niemi, Kathleen O’Connell, Chandler O’Leary, Lisa Onstad, Bettina Pauly, Linda Piacentini-Yaple, Bob Pliny, Katya Reka, Janet Reynolds, Robert Rowe, Elizabeth Sanford, Marina Sartori, Julie Shaw Lutts, Daniel Smith, Laurie Szujewska, Lane Taplin, Bonnie Thompson Norman, M. L. Van Nice, Elsi Vassdal Ellis, Laurie Weiss, Sandra Winkworth and Pamela Wood. (Please note that not all of the works from FEAST will make the trip north. Some books are too delicate to travel and to make things manageable Laura will bring just as much as will fit in her car.)

  A full online catalog of FEAST! can be found at: www.23sandy.com/works/feast


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Forget Steampunk. We’ve got a steamroller.

It’s that time of year again—Wayzgoose is this Sunday, and Jessica and I are nearly finished carving our giant linoleum block.

What’s a Wayzgoose? I’m glad you asked.

It’s a festival that celebrates the art of printing—a tradition that goes back several centuries. Here in T-town, we like to mark the occasion by printing enormous linocuts.

Right there in the street. With a steamroller. I kid you not.

It’s one of the most popular art events in Tacoma, and it’s guaranteed to please everyone from tiny tots to great-grandparents. Along with the steamroller printing, there will be artist-made wares for sale, art activities and keepsakes, Bring-Your-Own-T-shirt printing, giant magnetic poetry, and more. And it’s free! So stop on by.


9th Annual Wayzgoose

Sunday, April 28, 2013, 11 am to 4 pm

King’s Books

218 St. Helens Ave., Tacoma, WA

Wayzgoose is sponsored by the Tacoma Arts Commission.

See you on Sunday!

~ Chandler & Jessica

Jessica Spring
Springtide Press
Chandler O’Leary
Anagram Press


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One Sheet Wonder!


The Puget Sound Book Artists were pleased to host printmaker and book artist Diane Stemper for a Friday evening talk and Saturday workshop, April 19th and 20th, 2013.  Stemper’s workshop focused on books made with a single sheet of paper and the variety of looks that can be achieved with this structure.  The inspiration for Stemper’s own work comes from the interplay of science and art.  She stresses process and the unexpected evolution and outcomes that can occur in the act of artmaking.  The participants of the workshop were asked to bring a variety of materials and sketches to stimulate their creative process.  Part of the exploration and execution of ideas included cutting and printing a small reductive relief print.  At the end of the day, artists shared their work and thoughts about their process. The range of ideas and books inspired by this method was truly a wonder.

2013-04-19_21 small verRelief Printing small ver








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*Photos (top to bottom, left to right)

Diane Stemper discusses technique as Deb Creveling looks on attentively.

The artists look at examples and get ideas before getting started on their projects. 

Two different examples of relief printing created during the workshop.

Lucia Harrison begins to assemble her “One Page Wonder.”

Dorothy McCuistion adds the finishing touches  to her book..

Sumi artist Fumiko Kimura works on her first hand made book during the workshop.

 *All photographs courtesy of MalPina Chan and  may not be reused or reproduced without express permission from MalPina Chan  or Puget Sound Book Artists . 
© 2013 Puget Sound Book Artists

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The Creative World of Book Arts


The Creative World of Book Arts
April 18 – May 28
Current Exhibit http://www.schack.org/exhibits/the-creative-world-of-book-arts/

SeedsofDecay-TerriShinn-reducedUnderground Playground (Where are the ants?) by Karen V. Chickadel
What is a book? In the traditional sense a book is a bound collection of writings or illustrations used to share knowledge, ideas, or opinions. The Creative World of Book Arts exhibit, opening April 18 at the Schack Art Center, pushes beyond this conventional definition and explores the concept of a book as a work of art.
Several pieces selected for the exhibit are from internationally known book artist and author Shereen LaPlantz. Before her passing in 2003, she asked Rochelle Monner to continue teaching and sharing her vision regarding the experimentation and creation of handmade books. This private collection will inspire the novice and the expert. LaPlantz, who was known for her commercial how-to books including “The Art and Craft of Handmade Books”, also produced up to 12 Artists’ Books a year, which could be found in gallery exhibitions and museums across the U.S.A. and Europe.
Additional participating artists include: Lisa Myers Bulmash, Karin V. Chickadel, Cynthia Gaub, Brenna Jael, Lisa JonesMoore, Terri Shinn, Rory Terrell, Chandler O’Leary, Lynne Farren, Mitzi Lindgren, Ed Hutchins and Paul Johnson (England).
The Creative World of Book Arts is also the Schack Art Center’s annual Art Education in Action exhibit bringing more than 2,000 local elementary students to the gallery for field trips that include a docent led tour, hands-on art project, and the opportunity to watch artists-in-action

Image:  Seed of Decay by Terry Shinn, Photography by Ken Rowe

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One Sheet Wonder, Diane Stemper Workshop

April 20th, 2013 – 10am – 4pm

Location: Drawing Studio, 2nd floor, Kittredge Art Building, University of Puget Sound
Create a unique book from one large sheet of paper. Fold, cut and shape your paper to make a book with 8-12  small pages that can be viewed in multiple ways. Ideas, sketches, media, and found imagery will be included  and a relief print will be developed. There will be a focus on creating content that relates to form and structure.

We are excited to announce enrollment for the Diane Stemper Workshop is almost full.  Currently, there are still two slots open, but we expect them to fill fast, so you need to act quickly if you wish to join Diane.   For those already enrolled in the workshop and who have not already downloaded the complete list of supplies, please click on the link below.

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Endless Possibilities


Life would be easier if I didn’t have to agonize over each and every book I create.  One of the challenges I am faced with when I set out to create a new book is creating a balance between the illustrations which make up the theme of the book and the techniques which I will use in creating the book itself.  What materials will I use?  Wood, metal, glass, cord, ceramics, leather?  All of the above? Some, or none?  Maybe a little of each?  Which materials best fit the nature of the illustrations?  How will it be bound? Coptic or traditional stitching?  Or maybe something untried and untested?  What paper should I use?  And what about the illustrations? Should I use graphite?  India ink, Conte crayon, colored pencil?  And what about the techniques I should use for the medium I choose?  So many possibilities.   Of course, after all of the angst and agonizing, I find it’s always best to just begin…..

mark hoppmann

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