Congratulations. Collins Library Student Employee receives prestigious internship!

Autumn Raw ’19, English major with a minor in P&G, has accepted an internship offer from the Smithsonian Libraries in Washington D.C. In honor of the Smithsonian’s 50th Anniversary, this internship program was created to help introduce students to the realm of museum and research libraries.  This is  a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work side by side with expert Smithsonian Libraries and Smithsonian staff to acquire the latest skills, knowledge, and hands-on experience needed for today’s information and cultural heritage marketplace.

Autumn will be a Discovery Services – Digital Presence and Footprint intern working full time for eight weeks beginning in June 2019.

Autumn’s job assignments as a student employee in Collins Library have been many and varied. She has worked behind the scenes in Resource Management Services since beginning at the University of Puget Sound in the fall of 2015. She has worked as an Acquisitions assistant for Carmel Thompson helping to process orders placed by librarians and faculty, and process shipments with their accompanying invoices for books and other library materials. After her time spent in London studying abroad during her junior year fall semester, she worked on a special project for Peggy Firman creating labels for Chinese language books. She has also served as a selector for our popular reading collection for two years, recommending approximately 100 books selecting for a broad appeal. Her final spring semester at Puget Sound finds her working in both Acquisitions and Cataloging & Processing where she assists Willow Berntsen readying new materials for the library. This involves applying book covers, labels, and security measures. Her abilities and eagerness to assist library staff has meant she’s worked on numerous library projects over her career at Collins Library.

Autumn is an enthusiastic advocate of the importance of libraries. She’s inquisitive about the selection process and the operation of the library, archives, and special collections. Her interests led her to take the Humanities 399 class, a digital humanities honors course that dives into the workings of a 21st century library. The Collins Library staff look forward to reports from the Smithsonian Library and beyond, as Autumn explores her options and pursues her passions after graduation.

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The Power of Zines

Have you visited the Zine Collection at Collins Library? Often used as medium for personal expression or political resistance, zines are small format, low-budget, and self-published booklets that address topics and viewpoints that are not represented in mainstream media. At the Archives & Special Collections, we have a growing collection of around 250 zines on a variety of topics, both personal and political, including several authored by Puget Sound students. Take a deeper look at our zine collection with Humanities Librarian, Katy Curtis, in this new video from Arches and visit us in A&SC to learn more!


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From the Archives & Special Collections: Happy Valentine’s Day!

It is Valentine’s Day and there is plenty of love to be found in the Archives & Special Collections. We love vintage Valentine’s Day cards and there are many fantastic examples in the scrapbook of Thelma Bestler. Bestler attended Puget Sound from 1920 to 1924 and her scrapbook contains an incredible amount of information about campus life during that time. She recorded information about her classes, teachers, university traditions, student clubs, and athletic teams. There are photographs and many pieces of ephemera in the scrapbook including dance cards, invitations, tickets, posters, newsclippings, and other items. Bestler majored in Home Economics and was involved in many activities on campus including the literary society known as Amphictyon, the Scienticians, and the Lamba Sigma Chi sorority. If you’d like to take a look at Thelma Bestler’s scrapbook yourself, please visit us during our open hours!

The Archives & Special Collections is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM or by appointment.

By Laura Edgar

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Check out Blind Date with a book!

Can’t decide what to read?  Take a chance on a blind date with a book!

In the Popular Reading Collection!

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Come explore the Makerspace!

Come explore the Makerspace.  The space is here to enrich one’s academic experience as well as provide a space to pursue personal interests.  All students, staff and faculty are welcome to use the space during the many open hours throughout the week.  The Makerspace provides access to paper crafts, sewing machines, 3D printers, a laser cutter (coming soon.) and more.

Some of the projects completed in the Makerspace include fun items like “shelfies”, made using the 3D scanner and 3D printer, to very useful and impactful items like 3D prosthetic hands.

The Makerspace also offers team building workshops to campus departments and groups.  One example is a marbled paper workshop with our colleagues in the Center for Writing, Learning & Teaching and Student Accessibility & Accommodation.

Please visit the Makerspace page,, or contact the Makerspace with any questions at


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From the Archives & Special Collections: Peer Research Specialist – Position Opening!

Hello! My name is Julia Masur and I’m the current Peer Research Specialist here in the Archives & Special Collections. I’m a senior history major, with minors in education studies and sociology/anthropology. On campus, I’m also involved in Greek life, ski team, and a few honors societies. I started working as the Peer Research Specialist at the beginning of my junior year, and applied during my sophomore year after a class session in the A&SC for my History 200: Doing History class. One of our major projects in that class was to create a collaborative class website about one of the pieces in the A&SC collection, a 1642 pamphlet about the English Civil War, titled A fuller answer to a treatise written by Dr. Ferne, entituled The resolving of conscience upon this question, whether upon this supposition or case (the King will not defend but is bent to subvert religion, lawes, and liberties) subjects may with good conscience make resistance. Believe it or not, that’s a shortened version of the title! Being able to touch the pamphlet and read through the original pages from almost 400 years ago was such a great experience, and made the topic feel much less abstract. You can tell from looking at the pages how well-read this copy was, and the way in which it could have helped change people’s worldview during the English Civil War and maybe even shifted their allegiances was exciting to me. I love it when history feels personal, and that pamphlet definitely made the English Civil War feel that way while working on this project. You can find the website that my class built about this pamphlet here.

My job responsibilities involve a lot of independent work. I help run some of our social media (mainly our Tumblr), pull materials and set up for classes or events, fulfill research inquiries, digitize archival materials, and reach out to student clubs and organizations to collect materials. The most interesting part of my job has been curating exhibits, of which I’ve done two. The first spotlighted the John M. Canse Pamphlet Collection, and centered around tourism in the American West during the early 20thcentury. The second went up as a part of the Race and Pedagogy Conference, and dealt with how Japanese incarceration during World War II impacted Japanese-Americans in Tacoma and at Puget Sound, as well as historical memory of incarceration. For that exhibit, I mainly used university records like President Thompson’s personal correspondence, university ephemera, and yearbooks. Something that challenged me in this position was learning the difference between thinking like an archivist and thinking like a historian. While archivists are obviously still interested in the content of the objects in their collections and need to know what’s in those collections, they do have to balance competing priorities and assess when it’s necessary to take the time to go in-depth with an object.

You can apply for my position on LoggerJobs through February 25. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at or contact Archivist and Special Collections Librarian Adriana Flores ’13 at

The Archives & Special Collections is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM or by appointment.

By Julia Masur

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A story of those behind historical events

The year is 1979. The Iranian Revolution is just around the corner. In the northeastern city of Naishapur, a retired judge and his wife, Bibi-Khanoom, continue to run their ancient family orchard, growing apples, plums, peaches, and sour cherries.  Bibi-Khanoom’s grandniece secretly falls in love with the judge’s grandnephew and dreams of a career on the stage. His other grandnephew withers away on opium dreams. A widowed father longs for a life in Europe. A strained marriage slowly unravels. The orchard trees bloom and fruit as the streets in the capital grow violent. A once-in-a-lifetime solar eclipse, set to occur on one of the holiest days of  the year, finally causes the family―and the country―to break.

Will the monarchy survive the revolutionary tide gathering across the country?

Find this in the Popular Reading Collection!

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Celebrate Black History Month with songs of the Civil Rights Movement

Celebrate Black History Month by listening to songs of the Civil Rights Movement. The playlist, available from our streaming service Music & Performing Arts Online, is compiled from the Smithsonian Folkways archive of recorded performances. These freedom songs draw from spirituals, gospel, rhythm and blues, and calypso forms. The selections illustrate the power of songs that focused people’s energy in the movement.

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Love Research? Want to Help your Peers? Apply for Collins Library positions by February 25!

Apply for one of three positions in Collins Library for the 2019-2020 academic year!  Apply via Logger Jobs by February 25!

1.) Peer Research Specialist (one position)

  • Support research and outreach in Archives & Special Collections
  • Learn and practice the basics of archival management

Contact Adriana Flores with questions:

2.) Peer Research Advisor (Two positions)

  • Work with the subject librarians to support information literacy
  • Explore opportunities to improve your own research skills as you help others

Contact Peggy Burge with questions:

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From the Archives & Special Collections: New Acquisitions

Welcome back, Loggers! We are happy to have you back on campus and are looking forward to working with many of you in the Archives & Special Collections this semester. Our open hours have changed a bit for spring. You can drop in to the A&SC on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. If you are unable to make it during that time, you can always schedule an appointment with us outside of those hours by emailing

We have some exciting new items available for viewing in the A&SC. We recently completed finding aids for two of our manuscript collections – the Collins Library Zine Collection and the Ken and Rochelle Monner collection of Shereen LaPlantz book structures. The zine collection contains approximately 250 zines that cover a wide breadth of topics, including local and national issues, politics, personal narratives, popular culture, activism and social justice, environmental justice, queer identities, feminism, race, and more. The Shereen LaPlantz collection features more than 100 artists’ book structures created by LaPlantz, an internationally recognized artist, author, and teacher.

In addition, we have also purchased several new artists’ books. Artists’ books are often identified as handmade, limited edition or one-of-a-kind objects that employ innovative binding structures and handmade papers. We have several hundred artists’ books in the A&SC, many of which address social justice issues. This month we acquired “Shoot to Kill” by artist Ann Kalmbach, which asks the question “Did you ever wonder why police targets are torsos?” and includes abandoned targets from police shooting ranges.

Lastly, we’ve received many interesting records from our university departments. Gender & Queer Studies transferred records to the A&SC that date back to the beginning of their program in the 1970s, when it was known as Women’s Studies. We are currently in the process of organizing those records for use by students and faculty. Student Activities sent records relating to Outdoor Programs, including the Passages planning materials.

This represents a small portion of the many materials that we’ve received in the A&SC over the past couple of months. The A&SC is actively collecting records, so please contact us if you think you have materials that we might be interested in!

The Archives & Special Collections is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM or by appointment.

By Laura Edgar

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