
Ever wondered what a consultant actually does for a living? Have you pondered what topics a recent college graduate might consult on, other than where to get the cheapest pizza/beer combo? This week is your chance, as there are at least SIX alumni working as consultants coming to ASK Night, representing several different consulting firms and demonstrating the variety within this broad career field.

Thursday night, stop by Marshall Hall between 7 and 8:30 and talk to these alumni about their experiences:

Not interested in consulting? There are 52 alumni signed up to attend ASK Night – come by and pick their brains about what it’s like to move into the post-graduation world, get their advice on how make the most of your time as a student, and other burning questions. Regardless of your major or specific career goals, Logger alumni have insight to share with you!

© 2010 Career and Employment Services, University of Puget Sound
Photo: Kris Hay