Monthly Archives: September 2012

Year 120

2007: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

Author: Barbara Kingsolver

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While locavores have been around longer than 2007, Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal, Vegetable, Miracle brought the term to wider knowledge, along with Michael Pollan and others.

Kingsolver’s book isn’t just an explanation and polemic about why we should eat locally; it’s also the story of how she and her family manage to do so in a fairly reasonable, manageable way. There are lots of reasons urban chicken coops, beehives and gardens are popular right now, but Animal, Vegetable, Miracle is certainly one inspiration.

Year 121

2008: The Last Lecture

Author: Jeffrey Zaslow

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After Randy Pausch was diagnosed with cancer, he gave his “Last Lecture” at Carnegie Mellon University, where he had been a professor. This non-fiction work is based on that talk and includes his words of wisdom and thoughts about life. Pausch’s optimistic outlook on the world and exuberance in life inspired many readers and this book topped bestseller lists worldwide. Not only can you read Pausch’s book, you can also watch the last lecture, courtesy of Carnegie Mellon.

Year 122

2009: Zeitoun

Author: Dave Eggers

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A non-fiction account that takes place during one of the defining events of the “aughts”, this book tells the story of a Syrian-American survivor of Hurricane Katrina, and his unlawful arrest and detention following the aftermath of the storm. Eggers’ work is a good illustration of how real life often makes for excellent storytelling.