Year 44

1931: L’Art Religieux

Author/Editor: Emile Male

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Emile Male was a noted French art historian and is widely recognized for his contributions to the study of the history of art and his contributions to the scholarship of medieval and byzantine art.  This volume ( one in a series) is based on his doctoral dissertation at the University of Toulouse and still to this day is considered to be one of the seminal documents of medieval and byzantine art. According to the Dictionary of Art Historians, “ Mâle was one a of group of pioneering art historians, who, along with the German-speaking (but methodologically different) Adolph Goldschmidt, Alois Riegl, and Wilhelm Vöge, were responsible for transforming art history from a fledging discipline into an internationally respected field of study. His books were widely appreciated during his lifetime, inspiring generations of art historians to study French iconography as a core explication of medieval art. He was among the first to recognize eastern influences in medieval art.” ( retrieved September 24, 2012 from

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