LIBRARY LOGGED: Your computers are too slow

Fix your slow computers!! You have the money for new ones!!

The computers in the learning commons are actually not supplied by the library, but by Technology Services. Plus, because of the way budgets are allocated (e.g. we receive x amount for x project) we can’t just transfer money from one project to another. However, just likeĀ  all the computer labs, the Learning Commons is on a replacement schedule, so older computers are eventually rotated out for new ones.

If you notice a particular computer is running especially slow, let us know the computer number (on a little sticker in the middle of the tower), either by a note in the comment box, or by telling the Learning Commons student. Even the best computer can get bogged down with unnecessary processes & scripts. When we have the computer number, we’ll ask for repairs & cleaning. If you notice that every computer you log in to is slow, you may also want to check with TS about whether your profile is slowing down the login.

Also remember that you can bring in your laptop! Then you can control the computer speed. Students at the Learning Commons desk can help you set up wireless printing and map to your network drive on your laptop.

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2 Responses to LIBRARY LOGGED: Your computers are too slow

  1. Peter Nelson says:

    Students should especially note the size of their roaming profiles because this drastically affects log in time. The more data a student has saved to their profile, the longer it will take you to log in, no matter how nice the computer is. A large part of this issue is not the computer itself, but the rate at which the profile data can be accessed over the network.

  2. Rebecca says:

    Thanks for the clarification, Peter. That is extremely helpful to know!

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