Over spring break, I went to Newport, Oregon, with my family. I know, technically speaking, that Newport, which is a coastal town, is not really within the commonly traveled radius of people in Tacoma. But the coasts in the Pacific Northwest are glorious, and I had the best time ever.
Normally I write a lot of words, but today I am just going to let the pictures speak for themselves.

The water is super cold at this time of year, but that doesn’t stop some people. It stops me, but not some people.

The world famous cobbled beach at Yaquina Head. It might look like it is going to rain soon, but it didn’t.

The resident sea lions aka the noisiest, cutest animals in Newport. My sister described them as giant black jelly beans that don’t shut up. Look at them cuddling each other. Look at them.

Yaquina Head Lighthouse in the distance. We climbed to the top of it, where we then engaged in a furious trivia battle to win buttons. My family is wild.
The sun was shining at the Oregon coast. The seafood was so fresh – well, it had been alive that morning. We went to sleep with the sound of the waves in our heads. Everyone was in a good mood.