Baby’s First Earthquake

Oyyy, easily the most difficult first day of school I’ve ever had. I paid hella money for a notebook this morning, found my supposed building, only to find it had been closed for repairs. So with three minutes till class I booked it to the library to find out where the class had switched to, realizing along the way that I hadn’t set up my email or my wireless and that both took a while. Luckily, a librarian with a computer looked up my class for me (in the slowest, yet most patient Kiwi voice ever) and I found my classroom and was only 4 minutes late. American Lit 109..should be really easy. I was 6 minutes late for Contemporary Philosophy, and walking in on an already booming discussion on the reality of ideas, we’re starting with modern philosopher Wittgenstein. About half an hour into this class, things started shaking, there was a really loud rumble, and I felt the whole building sway back and forth. It was short, probably 3 seconds, and was reported to be a 4.3 aftershock. I was distracted for a good 5 minutes, the prof kept talking, but she waited for a few seconds to make sure everyone was ok. Right when the shake started this girl started wimpering “oh f**k, oh f**k”, I’m more than sure she was Kiwi, I just think they really scare her. So when she apologized “for her French” the professor went “Oh for goodness sakes it’s fine” in a very Professor Mcgonagall sort of way. How many more will there be? How much more damage will they cause? Will I even finish the semester? I have no idea.

Meanwhile, I’m going to keep eating the delicious foods made with wonderful sugar and butter. Hopefully, tomorrow will go smoother.

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