Category Archives: Exhibits

Featured Artist from the PSBA 5th Anniversary Book – Gina Pisello

It is hard to believe, but Puget Sound Book Artists is celebrating 5 years as an organization. In honor of this most auspicious occasion, members were asked to contribute a page to a 5th Anniversary book. Throughout the summer, we … Continue reading

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Featured Artist from the PSBA 5th Anniversary Book: Bonnie Julien

It is hard to believe, but Puget Sound Book Artists is celebrating 5 years as an organization.  In honor of this most auspicious occasion, members were asked to contribute a page to a 5th Anniversary book.  Throughout the summer, we … Continue reading

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Featured Artist from the PSBA 5th Anniversary Book – Bonnie Larson

It is hard to believe, but Puget Sound Book Artists is celebrating 5 years as an organization.  In honor of this most auspicious occasion, members were asked to contribute a page to a 5th Anniversary book.  Throughout the summer, we … Continue reading

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Featured Artist from the PSBA 5th Anniversary Book – Deborah Greenwood

It is hard to believe, but Puget Sound Book Artists is celebrating 5 years as an organization. In honor of this most auspicious occasion, members were asked to contribute a page to a 5th Anniversary book. Throughout the summer, we … Continue reading

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Featured Artist from the PSBA 5th Anniversary Book – Dorothy McCuistion

It is hard to believe, but Puget Sound Book Artists is celebrating 5 years as an organization. In honor of this most auspicious occasion, members were asked to contribute a page to a 5th Anniversary book. Throughout the summer, we … Continue reading

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Five Years and Counting

In celebration of Puget Sound Book Artists 5th Annual Membership Exhibition a call was put out to all members of PSBA to submit a page to be bound into a 5th Anniversary Book. Each page was to be 5” x … Continue reading

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Take a cake, a cellist, banners, a memorable keepsake printed by Jessica Spring of Springtide Press, add a room full of artists, guests and patrons, and 44 handmade books created by 28 book artists, and you have yourselves a party. … Continue reading

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Carpe Librum

   Puget Sound Book Artists invaded the small town of Winslow, Washington last Friday evening to celebrate the opening of Carpe Librum, at one of Bainbridge Island’s most respected galleries, Bainbridge Arts & Crafts.  Several of our member’s works were … Continue reading

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Ephemera; what an useful word.   A paradox of sorts, that one word can mean trash or treasure depending on your point of view. Meaning transitory, meant to be thrown away, trivial, here today, gone tomorrow, trash to many, much of … Continue reading

Posted in Exhibits, Lectures & Presentations, Member News | Leave a comment

INK This!

Last night’s INK This!  opening at the Tacoma Art Museum was a feast for the eyes.  The exhibit, beautifully curated by Margaret Bullock, offered a distinctive array of print artists, including members of the Puget Sound Book Artists.  Guests fortunate … Continue reading

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