Icky sticky keyboards

All the keyboards on the computers in the learning commons are very oily and sticky. I always take care to ensure my hands are clean before I use the computer, and I shouldn’t have to suffer because someone else didn’t bother to clean their hands first. Maybe wipe down the keyboards everyday or something? That might also prevent the spread of a lot of germs as well, and prevent students from getting sick.

That sounds very unpleasant! We are working on ways to keep the keyboards free form stickiness and oil.

First of all, hand sanitizer is available at each group of computer desks in the Learning Commons, and is available for use before and after using the keyboards. And of course we request everyone using the computers not to eat or use sticky fingers on the keyboards.

You’ll also find Clorox wipes at the Learning Commons Information Desk. We ask our student workers in the Learning Commons to periodically wipe down the keyboards, too.

However, the keyboards receive heavy use, so it’s likely that there will be some that get gummed up before we can get to them. Please let us know which keyboard is gross, if you find one that is exceptionally bad, and we’ll take care of it ASAP. Or, if it’s the only one out there to use, we’ll get you some Clorox wipes!

We’ll try to keep it clean!

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Get the printers fixed & give the staff a clue

The library staff does everything it can to keep the printers in good working order.  The library works closely with Technology Services to provide additional service and repairs to the printers as quickly as possible when the need arises.  However, the library also needs the patrons to alert us to problems when they occur.  We are not always immediately aware of printer problems, so it is very helpful if the users alert the staff to any issues as they happen.

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Get a microwave

Unfortunately, we can’t accommodate a microwave. Things that like to eat leftovers are sometimes things that like to eat books, so we’re trying to minimize food in the library.

We hope that the hot water tap and the resulting tea, cocoa, or coffee will help sustain you, though.

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Printing statistics

Was there any attempt to include in the statistics who already does and doesn’t print in the library?  Were the amount students who own a printer counted for in the statistics promoted along with PrintGreen?

It is important to remember that PrintGreen is a campus-wide initiative and includes printing across campus, not just the printing that happens in the library.
Technology Services tracked student print use last year. The vast majority of students will never print over 750 pages. You can see a graph of the data they collected last year here: http://www.pugetsound.edu/about/offices–services/technology-services/help–support/printgreen/
It is unclear to me as to how printing done by students on their own printers would affect the print statistics gathered last academic year.  Perhaps you could clarify question?

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Pencil Sharpeners

Why are there no pencil sharpeners?

We have two pencil sharpeners on the main floor.  An electric sharpener is located at the circulation desk and a manual sharpener is mounted on the post under the Reference Collection sign in the Learning Commons.  If you are having trouble locating items in the building, please don’t hesitate to ask a library staff member.

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Hand Sanitizer

Where is the hand sanitizer near the computers? Do you want sick people touching your books?

A timely comment! We just that day began to realize we’re starting the germy season, and your comment prompted us to act.

You’ll find some hand sanitizer out in the Learning Commons now, and we’ve ordered more.

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Finding books

The books are hard to find  : ‘ (

We are sorry to hear that you are having trouble finding books.  Whether you are having difficulties finding items in the library catalog or physically locating them in the building, please do not hesitate to get assistance from library staff.  We are more than happy to help you learn about the library and navigate its many resources.

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Printing and Print Green

We’ve gotten a lot of comments about printing, as you can see below!

The first response we’d like to make is that this is not a library decision. This is a campus wide-initiative. PrintGreen is overseen by the Library Media and Information Systems (LMIS) standing committee of the Faculty Senate, endorsed by the Sustainability Advisory Committee, and managed by Technology Services.

You can find more information about this on Technology Service’s PrintGreen page.

Next, we’d like to clarify that the vast majority of students will never pay for printing. The 750 free prints cap was carefully selected as it was well above most students printing needs. For those who do need more than 750 prints, the $0.10/print charge is in line with what similar schools—from the UW to other small liberal arts colleges—are charging.

Three of my classes require printing materials instead of textbooks. I’m fine with either the library charging per page or the classes basically having us print the textbooks, but not both. If the go green is going to continue, please coordinate with the professors.

  • Professors can load their course readings onto Moodle and ask the bookstore to create a course pack. If you purchase this course pack, the cost per page is less than the cost to print per page if you go over your allotment. If there’s no course pack for your class at the bookstore, consider letting your professor know you’d like one. The campus has obtained a Copyright Clearance license to make this easier for them.

The PrintGreen initiative is horrible. It unfairly punishes students who need hard copies (some professors require it), and had no green effect. I could easily print 750 single-sided sheets and waste paper. Credits should be per page, not per side. This is mearly a shameless attempt to make more money for the university.

  • We can assure you that PrintGreen will not make money for the university. Each student receives 750 free prints, so few students will pay at all. While it seems like the main cost of printing would be paper and thus the cost would be per page, there is a significant cost in terms of toner, printer wear and tear, and energy. That cost is per print.

The 750 pages is horrible. Some majors require 1000s of pages of printing and seniors have more reading than freshman. 750 for each person is an awful method of dealing with paper waste and $0.10 a print is too much.

I come to the library to study in a quite (sic) environment and to use the computers. Charging me per item I print out not only makes the computers significantly less useful, but reduces my ability to study here as well. I pay 40 thousand dollars a year plus housing, books, food and dues, the least of my concerns should be how to pay for printing. Bottom line: Students focus on school only, the school focuses on facilitating that, and this is a major hindrance!

If I would have printed all of the documents that I have wanted/needed for class I would have used $20 printing dollars. Squinting at a computer screen for hours so that I can even think about making it halfway through the semester without paying for my readings is ridiculous. Academics should not be sacrificed for sustainability.

Printing is a mess!

Printing services are horrible. For as much money as I pay to come to this school I don’t think I deserve: 1. to be experiencing these problems & 2. to be limited as far as printing goes. I’m seriously considering transfering to UW.

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Coffee and Tea

There should be a coffee/tea stand in the library all the time.  Not just during finals.

There is always a hot water tap downstairs. If you head down to the break room area, you’ll find a hot water tap ready to make your tea, cocoa, and instant coffee.

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And we’re back!

Welcome back to the new school year! We’ll start this one off with some good news.

Please put a poster of the library classification system at the circ. desk like the one on the 3rd floor.

Thanks for the idea! We really like it, and have already ordered some  nifty posters to put up at the Circulation Desk and other places around the library.

While we wait for them to arrive, you can check out  the Library of Congress’s own classification outline web site too.

Update: You can now find Library of Congress Classification posters by the elevators on the first and second floors!

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