Please, please, please do something about the noise in the learning commons. It is extremely difficult to work when it feels like a zoo in there.
Let’s start with the bad news…The Learning Commons is not designed to be a quiet study space. As the term ‘Commons’ is intended to imply, it’s a space for people to gather and learn, sometimes in groups, sometimes alone. Plus, of course, the Learning Commons has the inherent noise of two printers, people going in and out of the library and the library instruction room.
Of course, while some learning takes and makes noise, other learning needs silence. For that, we suggest using the two rooms with computers off the Learning Commons, working on a laptop upstairs or in the reading room, or working in the computer carrels in the lower level.
That said, while the Learning Commons is inherently going to be noisier than some parts of the library, if someone is making excessive or disruptive noise, please either speak to them yourself, since often people just don’t notice how how loud they are, or, if that’s too uncomfortable or ineffective, let a staff member know, and we’ll address the situation.