Print Allottments

Why are we going to have to pay for printing next year after 750 “sides?” We pay almost $50,000 to go here, I think that should cover as much printing as we need, as many of our classes require a ton of reading, and some of us work better with hard copies. I know you claim it’s part of a “green” initiative, but most people recycle, so I have a hard time believing it’s not just a way to make money. And why should we pay for a side and not a sheet? Isn’t the point of being “green” double-siding a paper? If you’re going to count prints, it should be the number of pages, not the number of “sides” that we print, as it defeats the purpose.

Actually, very few students will ever have to pay for printing! Technology Services manages printing, and here is what they have to say about payment and the print green campaign:

Based on records of past usage, the vast majority of students will never exhaust the 750 print credits alotted to them each semester.

More Print Green information can be found at the following web site:

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