There is a serious problem here with people not respecting the universal rule of libraries [being quiet]. I have noticed that often the loudest people are Collins employees. Please do no carry on conversations in non-indoor voices behind the circulation desk. When one group of people on the main floor begins to talk, it encourages others to disregard teh quiet rule. This is an observable effect. PLEASE keep it down.
Point taken! We will be more conscious of using indoor voices at work. Collins staff are working to:
- Try to keep staff conversations away from public desks – in work areas instead with the door closed.
- Create better signage about “quiet zones” so you can find a quiet zone quickly.
- Consider moving our meetings to more unobtrusive locations.
- Let each other know when we hear each other making a noise.
While we’ll work really hard to make sure that our conversations are reasonable, the main floor is not a quiet zone, and simply can’t be, as we have thousands of students, faculty, and staff passing through each day. Conversation has to happen somewhere in the library, and since the main floor is by nature louder given the comings and goings, that’s where it tends to settle. I’d suggest going up to the higher floors or into a study room for true silence.