Original Phishing Message

Tips for Detection
- This sender is an individual from outside the university — note the sending address.
- Legitimate notices about password expiration will begin 14 days prior to the impending password expiration.
- You will never be asked to click on a link to keep your password. Hovering over the link reveals that it leads to http://ee[.]bzhu1[.]francoradiooldies[.]com which is not a Puget Sound website.
- Remember – do not share your credentials with anybody or enter it on online forms.
Text of Phishing Message
From: info[@]mckinleyhomebuilders[.]com
Subject: Action Required: Password Expiration for [USERNAME]@PUGETSOUND.EDU user
Microsoft Office 365
Your password is expiring in the next (2) days.
Monday, November 8, 2022 : 5:09:54 PM
Keep My Password