Original Phishing Message
NOTE: If you received this message, it is NOT legitimate. Do not reply.

Tips for Detection
- Notice the maroon caution banner prepended to the message. This indicates the message matches patterns of other phishing attempts.
- Many scammers offer “too good to be true” business proposals or large sums of inheritance money. Be wary of those.
- The reply-to address is different than the sender address.
Text of Phishing Message
From: Mrs. R. E. Al-Hashimi < account[@]t4.cims.[jp] >
Subject: Re:Re: Did You Receive My last Email….
My name is Mrs. Reem E. Al-Hashimi, The Emirates Minister of State and Managing Director of the United Arab Emirates (Dubai) World Expo 2020/2021 Committee.
I have a great business proposal to discuss with you, if you are interested in foriegn investment/partnership please reply with your line of interest.
PLEASE REPLY ME ON THIS EMAIL: rrrhashimi2022[@]kakao[.]com
Regards,Mrs. Reem