Original Phishing Message
NOTE: If you received this message, please DO NOT click on the link. This email is NOT legitimate. You may simply delete it.

Tips for Detection
- This sender is an individual from outside the university — note the sending address.
- Legitimate notices about password expiration will begin 14 days prior to the impending password expiration.
- You will never be asked to click on a link to keep your password.
- In this case, the link redirected to a fake Microsoft login page. The URL attempts to appear like a legitimate Microsoft site but notice the typos: login-microsoftonlinep[.]servicemicorsftonlirne[.]xyz.
Text of Phishing Message
From: jarnoff[@]elbruscp[.]com
Subject: Your Pugetsound Αccоunt Рaѕѕwοrd Is Sеt to Εxpirе
Miсroѕoft acсоunt
Іmpоrtant Sеcurіty Notice
Ηi [username],
Your Pugetsound paѕѕwоrd is set to exріre in 0 day(s).
- [username]@pugetsound.edu
We encourage you to take the time now to maintain your paѕѕwоrd activity to аvoіd login intеrruptiоn.
Kееp Му Paѕѕwоrd [link removed]
Тhe Міcroѕоft аccоunt Теam