Original Phishing Message
Note: If you received this message, please simply delete the message. If you would like, you can right-click the email to block the sender or mark as junk. The email is not legitimate.

Tips for Detection
- Legitimate emails regarding your Puget Sound password will come from ts-no-reply@pugetsound.edu. You will receive more than two days notice on an impending password expiration.
- This sender is an individual from outside the university — note the sending address.
- Notice the maroon Caution banner preprended to the message. This banner is added when emails match patterns of other phishing attempts.
- The link added to the message does not lead to a Puget Sound site, but rather an online form. Never enter your password or other sensitive information in online forms.
Text of Phishing Message
From: iobi[@]dchweb[.]org
Subject: Service Help Desk
Your e-mail password expires in 2 days to retain e-mail password and details, CLICK HERE [link removed] to update immediately