Original Phishing Message
NOTE: If you received this message, please simply delete it. The message is NOT legitimate. If you entered credentials on the linked page, please contact the Service Desk at 253-879-8585 as your credentials are compromised.
From: blueand[@]gvsu.edu
Subject: Re: IT Service Report

Where Did The Link Lead?
The link (https://auth[.]tradestatfx[.]com/ol) led to a fake Outlook sign in page. Remember, the correct URL to access your Puget Sound email is webmail.pugetsound.edu. Do not enter credentials on sites you do not recognize and always hover over links in emails to see the URL of hyperlinked text.

Text of Phishing Message
From: blueand[@]gvsu.edu
Subject: Re: IT Service Report
IT Staff Services in collaboration with the admin welcome you to the new session. We know that being ahead technologically is amongst the reasons why we are top-notch. In view of that, we have decided to incorporate some new user-friendly and interactive features in our email and blackboards platforms as well. To ensure your interface is incorporated with these features, kindly Sign on [link removed] to our server and your profile will be notified to our IT administrator within the next 24 hours.
Thank you,
IT Service Desk.