Original Phishing Message
Note: If you received this email, please delete the message, as it is NOT legitimate.

Tips for Detection
- Note the maroon caution banner attached at the top of the message.
- Benefits-related emails will come from Puget Sound’s HR department, which will be from an @pugetsound.edu email address.
- Note the sender is from outside the university.
Where Did the Link Lead?
The link leads to sitebuilder148732[.]dynadot[.]com, which asks for your login information. Never submit passwords on forms.

Text of Phishing Message
From: KMiller[@]ctcd[.]edu
Subject: Re: Employee COVID-19 Program
The Employee Assistance Program (E.A.P) will be supporting all employees with cash assistance as part of a benefit plan to help employees get through the hard times due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Employee Assistance Program will provide $3,700 in assistance to all qualified employees after applications are reviewed, processed, and approved, starting from today,Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Visit the COVID-19 Support page and follow all instructions carefully, and enter the most appropriate details to apply.
Note: the support program is only available to qualifying employees. All the information requested is required for your application to be processed.
Kipley Miller
COVID-19 Support Team.