Original Phishing Message
NOTE: If you received this message, please delete it as it is NOT legitimate. Do not click on the link.

Where Did the Link Lead?

The link takes you to an online form masquerading as a Microsoft login page that asks you to submit your email and password. Never submit sensitive information in an online form.
Tips for Detection
- Legitimate emails from Technology Services will come from an @pugetsound.edu address.
- Technology Services will NEVER ask for your login information.
- The URL for the login page is not a Microsoft or Puget Sound page.
- Emails with a sense of urgency threatening to cut off services or benefits are extremely common in phishing scams.
Text of Phishing Message
From: a[.]ormoshev[@]mlsp[.]kg
Reply-To: despi[_]greenzone[@]outlook[.]com
Subject: UPDATE
Your Email account will be Deactivated shortly.
To stop Deactivation, CLICK HERE and log in
IT Service Desk