Original Phishing Message
NOTE: If you received this message, please delete it as it is NOT legitimate. Do not click on the link.

Where Did the Link Lead?
The link to ongocasavus[.]creatorlink[.]net asks you to submit name, email, position, username, and password. Never submit sensitive information in an online form.

Tips for Detection
- Legitimate emails about payroll would come from the Human Resources department from an @pugetsound.edu address.
- Emails with a sense of urgency threatening to cut off services or benefits are extremely common in phishing scams.
- To view a paycheck or other important HR information such as W-2s, you can do so via myPugetSound. You will not receive a link to an “earning statement”. Always hover over links in emails to determine where they lead.
Text of Phishing Message
Attention Staff,
Your Earning Statement for the month of October is attached in the link below. All staff & employees are expected to verify their email account for a new payroll directory and adjustments for the month of October. Kindly Click Earning-Statement and complete the required directive to avoid ‘Hold’ of your benefit payment for October 2021.
Thank you,
Payroll Admin Department.
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