Original Phishing Message

From: info[@]securityreport[.]gr
Subject: Account Deactivation Request For [username]@pugetsound.edu

Tips for Detection

  • Legitimate emails from Technology Services about your account will come from an @pugetsound.edu email address.
  • Notice the false sense of urgency regarding the account deactivation timeline. Scammers employ techniques to trick you into acting quickly without thinking.
  • Always investigate links before clicking. If the link does not go a site you normally log in to related to the account in question, that should be suspicious.

Text of Phishing Message

From: info[@]securityreport[.]gr
Subject: Account Deactivation Request For [username]@pugetsound.edu

Pro postmaster

We have receive a deactivation request from pugetsound.edu on Friday, June 7, 2024 9:30 a.m. and will begin the process shortly.

If this request was not initiated by you, you are strongly advised to cancel this request immediately. Please login again to authenticate this.


However, if you do not cancel this request, your email [username]@pugetsound.edu will be permanently deleted from pugetsound.edu server.

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